Tonight comes the results from the vote in Søgne and Songdalen – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– This is absolutely fantastic. It is primarily a relief, said Erik Spieler in the action group “Yes to Søgne in Kristiansand” earlier on Friday evening. At their election vigil in Søgne, cheers erupted when the results of the digital votes were announced just after 9 p.m. At 03.05 the postal votes in Søgne and Songdalen were also counted. The final result showed that 57.2 percent voted no to leave the large municipality in Songdalen and 53.9 percent in Søgne. Thus, the majority want to stay in Kristiansand. In Søgne, the turnout was 81.6 per cent. In Songdalen, it was 71.7 per cent. Sigurd Berg Aasen in the action group “We who want Søgne municipality back” has worked 24/7 for the last few months on the case. – Hope is not completely lost, but it will be hard to get the last votes now, said Aasen when the digital votes are announced earlier this evening. – Were you prepared for this outcome? – Yes, I have been prepared for all outcomes, but now people have shown that they want to be in Kristiansand and then we have to respect that. A total of 9,947 residents have voted digitally. In the two municipalities there are a total of 15,871 eligible voters. Sigurd Berg Aasen heads the action group “We who want Søgne municipality back” and hoped that Søgne’s old municipal coat of arms would be used again. It won’t be. Photo: Siv Kristin Sællmann / news Mayor: – Allow yourself to be disappointed Mayor of Kristiansand Mathias Bernander (H) said earlier on Friday that he hoped the digital result, which was known already at 21.00, means that the large municipality will be retained. – These speeches were good for us who want a large municipality, but there are still a number of votes to be counted, he said. Bernander pointed out that this is not a day for big parties. – I have great respect for the fact that this day has been difficult for many for a long time. Then it is permissible to be disappointed for those who wanted a different result. Mayor of Kristiansand Mathias Bernander (H) is excited about the outcome of the referendum. Photo: Kjetil Samuelsen / news – Have a good gut feeling Voting opened on 22 January, and today, Friday, was the last opportunity. The two action groups have gathered at their respective locations in Søgne. The former mayor of Songdalen, Johnny Greibesland, participated in the election vigil for “Yes to Søgne in Kristiansand”. He hoped Songdalen would continue to be part of the larger municipality of Kristiansand. – For Songdalen’s part, I have a good gut feeling that this is going to work. I’m a little more unsure about Søgne’s part, Greibesland said before the digital voices became known. Johnny Greibesland, former mayor of Songdalen, participates in the election vigil for “Yes to Søgne in Kristiansand”. Photo: Kristin Olsen / news Excited election watchers Ahead of the digital result, Spieler and Aasen in the two action groups were very excited. – I am incredibly excited, but I have no gut feeling about what will be the result of the referendum, said Spieler in “Ja til Søgne i Kristiansand”. – Now I don’t have any more battery left, so it will be good to get an answer on how this is going, said Aasen in “We who want Søgne municipality back”. They both live in Søgne, but each represents their own group. While Spieler wants Søgne and Songdalen to remain part of the larger municipality of Kristiansand, Aasen wants out. Jubilation in Søgne after the results from the digital votes were announced. Photo: Leif Dalen / news Erik Spieler, who leads the action group “Yes to Søgne in Kristiansand”, his reaction when the results of the digital votes were announced. Photo: Leif Dalen / news Disappointment in the other camp, which has worked for divorce. Photo: Geir Ingar Egeland / news Districts divided in the middle Tonight, Spieler and the opinion traps gathered at Gunder’s café in Søgne for dinner and an election vigil. A long election campaign has been completed. Spieler is concerned with the time after the referendum. – The next day we wake up and must live on as good fellow citizens. Everyone must contribute to that, he believes. Erik Spieler in “Yes to Søgne in Kristiansand” was satisfied when the results of the digital votes came. Photo: Leif Dalen / news Aasen and the opinion traps were gathered at Høllen Brygge in Søgne. Aasen describes the election campaign they have put behind them as “a crazy success”. – We have received an incredible amount of good feedback and positivity from people we have met both after debates and at stands. Despite the fact that it is now moving towards a continued large municipality, he believes the fight has not been in vain. – We have already had one win. Because democracy was overrun, and we were allowed to speak our mind again, he says. There may be an extraordinary municipal election. Kristiansand city council will consider the case on 28 February, regardless of whether there is a yes or no to the splitting up of Kristiansand municipality. The government has arranged for a possible decision on division to be made before the summer of 2024. If there are new municipalities, these must be in operation from 1 January 2026. In other words, there will be an extraordinary municipal election in 2025. Minister of Local Government Erling Sande promises that the government will listen to the outcome of the referendum on whether Søgne and Songdalen should be separated from Kristiansand. – I am happy that so many in Søgne and Songdalen have used the opportunity to express their opinion in this matter: It shows that this is an issue that engages people, and that it was absolutely right to hold a referendum, says Sande. What do you think will be the result of the referendum? Yes to large municipality No to large municipality I don’t care Show result
