Tommy Wirkola makes a box office success with dark Christmas film – news Troms and Finnmark

– It is an incredible relief for both me and the studio, who have spent a lot of money on this, says filmmaker Tommy Wirkola. It’s never good to know when a new film is released, whether it will be a hit or a miss. And perhaps especially not when the director’s name is Tommy Wirkola. The filmmaker from Alta is known for following his heart and his own humor when making films. But even if the critics have at times butchered Wirkola’s films, he is an audience favorite. So also this time. – The audience feedback has been extremely good, says the Hollywood director, about the reception of his new film. 2nd place in the USA With his latest film, “Violent night”, the filmmaker can already state that this has become a financial upswing. After the first weekend of world premiere, the film’s entire budget of 200 million has, and well, been recorded. Director Tommy Wirkola has success with the Christmas film “Violent night”. Photo: Robert Rønning / news The film is in 2nd place in the number of visitors in the USA, while 13,000 redeemed tickets at Norwegian cinemas on the opening weekend. – I am honestly not particularly surprised. After all, over several years he has shown himself to be good at directing audience-friendly films, regardless of the genre he tries his hand at, says news film reviewer Birger Vestmo. “Violent Night,” starring David Harbor from “Stranger Things” as a brutal Santa Claus, had its world premiere on December 2. The film is about a group of thugs who plan to break into a rich family’s house on Christmas Eve. The band has everything mapped out for the perfect break, until an unexpected guest comes down the pipe. The film has garnered good reviews both at home and abroad, and among other things received a dice roll of 5 from the Film Police. Film critic Vestmo wrote here: “Violent Night” is really an apt title, because here bad villains are dispatched with playful ingenuity, so that you both laugh as you shake and squirm in disgust”. – Winning recipe Vestmo believes that what makes “Violent Night” extra salable to a wide audience is that it combines elements from several popular Christmas films. He mentions “Die Hard”, “Die Hard 2” and “Home Alone”. – In combination with the harsh and brutal humor from the “Deadpool” films, it has proven to be a winning recipe for drawing the public into the cinema halls. Whether you live in Asia, America or Alta, says Vestmo. Birger Vestmo, film critic at news, is not surprised by the good sales figures for Tommy Wirkola’s Christmas film. Photo: HENRIETTE DÆHLI / news / Henriette Dæhli He believes this is no coincidence. – Feel free to call it calculated, because Wirkola and his producers have probably always had this as their goal, and things indicate that they are succeeding very well, says the film reviewer. Vestmo is clear that it is not the last time he has seen the film. – I have a stack of Christmas films in a separate place on my Blu-ray shelf, and “Violent Night” will of course go right in there, he says. – Gives Christmas atmosphere – It’s great fun to see that there is such a good opening worldwide. The figures for Norway are perfectly fine, but this is a film that will run over Christmas and for which we have great expectations, says Espen Lundberg Pedersen. Espen Lundberg Pedersen is managing director of Film & cinema. He says that “Violent night” and “Teddybjørnen’s Christmas” are the big Christmas films in Norwegian cinemas this year. Photo: Kristoffer Sandven He is the managing director of Film & kino, the trade and membership organization for municipal and private cinemas in Norway. Pedersen has seen the film himself, and praises the filmmaker from Finnmark. – What is so wonderful is that he has managed to create a real Tommy Wirkola film, which at the same time puts you in a very good Christmas mood, says Pedersen. Wirkola himself is happy about the good criticism, which comes both from the professional side and from the public. And he dreams that this will become a permanent Christmas classic. – I’ve already heard people say that this should be included in their regular Christmas film rotation. So it’s very cool, he says. Wirkola is behind films such as “Kill Buljo”, “Dead Snow”, “Hansel and Gretel”, “What Happened to Monday?” and the latest Norwegian film “I onde dager”.
