Today is the end of the service on Norway’s largest radio channel – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– I think it is very sad. There are some good words to start the morning with, and which you carry with you during the day. This is a tradition that we have here in Norway. So says Asbjørn Austnes, who is a shoemaker in Kongsgata in Stavanger. At work, he usually listens to news P1. The devotional, which is broadcast every weekday at around 8.20am during the local morning broadcasts, he is no longer allowed to listen to on the channel. There are more people than he who react to that. Harald Groos doesn’t think anything about the devotion disappearing Photo: Odin Omland / news – That’s the way society has become. I think it’s a bit wrong. We live in a Christian country, so I think we must continue with the traditions, says Harald Groos. The devotional has been known and loved by many, and has been broadcast for over 90 years. – I listen to the devotion every day. It is boring that it disappears, because it was nice to hear those words. I will miss it, says taxi driver Helge Knutsen. Taxi driver Helge Knutsen has a sense of devotion. Photo: Odin Omland / news From P1 to P1+ But not everyone is equally negative about the few minutes of devotion disappearing from P1. – I have never heard of that. I don’t think I’ll miss it. But those who think there is something to listen to must get an offer too. I know a lot of people listen to it, so it’s a shame for them, says Hege Byberg. Hege Byberg will not miss the devotion. Photo: Odin Omland / news The reason for the change is that news will make different programs over several channels. That’s what channel manager at news Radio, Bjørn Tore Grøtte, says. – In this way, we believe that we will be able to create more content that more people will enjoy. The development of radio in recent years shows that listeners switch between channels more than before, and then I think it is important that we make them different. The devotional will continue to be broadcast at the same time on news P1+. It will also be available to the listener whenever it is appropriate on news Radio. Hedda Johansen has listened to a bit of the devotional: – It’s good to listen to. I don’t know if I’ll miss it, but it’s nice to hear people talking. Photo: Odin Omland / news – More difficult for the elderly Sten Sørensen is pastor of the Mission Church in Stavanger. He himself has listened to the devotional for over 40 years, and thinks it is sad that the devotional is being removed. – It is something that has affected so many people over so many years. I think many people around the country have been happy with the devotion, which has managed to collect hundreds of thousands, says Sørensen. Pastor Sten Sørensen believes that fewer people will listen to the devotional, and hopes that the measure will be reconsidered. Photo: Tom Edvindsen / news He has learned that the devotional will be transferred to P1+. – But why should you push it over to another channel? And this makes it more difficult for the elderly who want to catch both the local broadcast and the Devotion. It is not as easy for everyone to change the channel. Channel manager Grøtte at news is aware that there are many who are disappointed that the radio service does not continue on P1. – We know that this is content that is super important to many, and we know that there will always be discussions when we shake up traditions. I have a great understanding of that, he says and adds: – But then it is important that we communicate that the offer is just as accessible, and that we help to find the substance the public is looking for. Thomas Bø says he has heard a bit about the devotional: – If no one complains about it, and it creates a good atmosphere, I think “Why take away something that works?” Photo: Odin Omland / news – Creates a sense of belonging Author and literature professor Janne Stigen Drangsholt has for a number of years held the morning service at P1. She says that there are two reasons why it is a shame that the morning service is disappearing. – One is that it creates a kind of belonging since there are so many people who listen to the devotional. The second is that it is nice to have some words for the day to reflect on. She has heard from several people who want to miss the moment in everyday life they are used to. – I understand that they think that Christian devotion is not something that represents the whole people, but I still think they should have some words for the day, and that it is on P1. New programs around the corner It will be up to each individual local editor to decide which content they want to replace the devotional with, says channel manager Grøtte. In the future, there will be a lot to look forward to, we must believe him. – Before the morning broadcast, we have created a new morning program which will be broadcast on P1 between 5 and 6 o’clock. The long weather forecast that has been in the time slot on P1 will continue to be broadcast on P1+. Bjørn Tore Grøtte is channel manager at news Radio. Photo: Martin Johan Eggan/news In addition, a new program, similar to the devotional, will be broadcast in the evening from Monday to Thursday. – At “Kveldstanker”, the outlook department offers philosophy, life wisdom and words for reflection from several different religions and outlooks. He points out that it does not replace the devotional in the morning, but that it shows that news has a wider palette of views on life to play with. – Our society changes and develops. So do people and their listening habits, and therefore P1 must also develop broadly. Fortunately, we do. Many listeners have probably already caught on: From now on you have to listen to news P1+ or the devotional podcast to get the radio service from news
