– To us they were just “orcs” or “pigs” – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

People bring flags, scarves and flowers in yellow and blue to the center of Kherson. The city which until Friday was occupied by Russia. When news arrives at Frihetsplassen on Monday, it is filled with people. Many are still in shock and cannot believe that the Russians have left the city. – We arrived at Frihetsplassen. Until I touched the hands of our soldier boys, I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it, says Eveniya. Evheniya is wearing a flag that has been buried while the Russians were in control of the city. Photo: Roger Severin Bruland – Buried the flag She shows off the flag that she has tied around her shoulders. It has been well hidden in the ground while the Russians had control over the city. – I made a hole in the ground and buried the flag. I was afraid to have it at home, says Evhenia. Kherson was one of the first cities in Ukraine to be occupied by Russia. For six months, the city on the river Dnipro has been ruled by the Russians. In October, Russia carried out an illegal annexation of Kherson county, of which the city is the regional capital. Now all the Russian forces have withdrawn, which is considered a great victory for Ukraine. news meets many happy people in the streets of Kherson. But many are also marked by the months of war, fear and occupation that they have behind them. After six months of occupation, both the civilian population and the Ukrainian authorities celebrated that Kherson is once again under Ukrainian control. Photo: Hajdú D. András – Over 400 war crimes The residents of Kherson tell of a tough and difficult life under Russian control. – We saw the letters “Z” and “V” every day. Russian soldiers, I don’t know what to call them. To us they were just “orcs” or “pigs”. It was heavy, says Oleksander to news. Oleksander has only bad things to say about the Russian soldiers who have occupied his town. – It was heavy, he says. Photo: Roger Severin Bruland Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has also visited the liberated city. He says investigators have uncovered over 400 war crimes in the Kherson region. – The Russian army has left behind the same horrors in Kherson that we have seen in other parts of our country. Investigators have already documented over 400 war crimes. The bodies of dead civilians and soldiers have been found, Zelenskyy said on Monday. According to the president, Ukrainian authorities are already in the process of arresting and prosecuting Russian soldiers and mercenaries in Kherson for the atrocities. – We will find and bring all the guilty to justice, assured Zelenskyj. President Zelenskyi visited the liberated city on Monday. – Russia’s withdrawal from Kherson is the beginning of the end of the war, he said. Photo: Hajdú D. András Russia does not recognize defeat The 30,000 Russian soldiers who have been in the Kherson region are said to have withdrawn completely on Friday. Nevertheless, Russia insists that the area is still Russian. – The territory is part of the Russian Federation, Putin’s spokesman Dimitry Peskov said on Monday. He claims that Volodomyr Zelenskyi’s visit to Kherson does not change the city’s status as Russian. On the Ukrainian side, however, the recapture of Kherson is seen as a turning point in the war. – Russia’s withdrawal from Kherson is the beginning of the end of the war, Zelenskyy told the media who had turned up when he visited the city.
