Tightens security around Norwegian oil and gas facilities after gas leak in the Gulf of Finland – news Vestland

After the gas leak in the Gulf of Finland on Sunday, the police are now tightening security around oil and gas facilities in Vestland. This is reported by the Bergen newspaper. – We have an increased focus on preventive patrolling on the installations we have in our district, says operations manager Steinar Hausvik in the West police district. Finnish authorities say, among other things, that the gas leak is probably due to an external act. The incident now means that the Norwegian police are increasing vigilance around Norwegian oil and gas installations. Last autumn there were explosions on Nord Stream 1 and 2 in the Baltic Sea. Then the police got help from the Home Guard to stand guard at Mongstad and Kollsnes. So far, the West Police District has not asked for assistance from the Armed Forces for this security tightening. – We are closer to the objects, and we are more frequently present with patrols, says Hausvik. The pipeline between Finland and Estonia crosses the Gulf of Finland, and has been in operation since 2020. Stoltenberg announces joint response The Minister of Defense in Estonia, Hanno Pavkurn, says that there were strong forces that led to the damage to the Balticconnector. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg says that NATO will come up with a unified response if it turns out that the Balticconnector gas pipeline was attacked. – If it can be proven that there was an attack on the gas pipeline in the Baltic Sea, it will be met by a united and decisive response from NATO, Stoltenberg said during a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj before NATO’s defense ministers’ meeting on Wednesday. During the press conference, Stoltenberg also announced that support to Ukraine will be stepped up in the coming days. Zelenskyj says this is very important for the country to be able to survive the coming winter. Both leaders condemned the attacks by Hamas against Israeli civilians at the weekend.
