Three people shot south of Stockholm – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Large police forces have moved to the center of Fittja in Botkyrka south of Stockholm after the shooting which happened at 17:30. The three were shot outside a restaurant in the city centre, near a bus station. All are injured and taken to hospital. Police cannot say how many shots were fired. It is not clear how extensive the damage is. Nor is their identity known. The three were shot outside a restaurant in Botkyrka south of Stockholm. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT / NTB A witness heard the shots. – I thought it was fireworks. Then I saw several people running in different directions. There were probably 10-12 shots, says the witness to Aftonbladet. Police chase Several people are said to have been seen leaving the scene on electric scooters. A large area has been blocked off, including the subway in the area, writes SVT. – We are looking for one or more perpetrators, and we will soon have a helicopter in place, says police spokesperson Ola Österling. A large area is blocked off at Botkyrka south of Stockholm. Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT / NTB The police are treating the case as attempted murder. They were not far away when the shooting happened. Botkyrka is a run-down town which for several years has been characterized by crime, social problems and unemployment. Wave of violence Sweden has been hit by a large wave of violence recently. There have been several bombs that have gone off in several places in the Stockholm area. The crime is linked to young people, and much of the background is drug crime.
