Three men indicted for aggravated rape of a young woman – news Vestland

According to the recent indictment, the assault must have taken place outside in connection with a youth party in Stad municipality in Nordfjord in January this year. The woman was unable to oppose the act. The men are accused of breaching Penal Code 293, which carries a penalty of imprisonment for up to 21 years. In the indictment, it is pointed out that the rape was “committed by several people together” and that it was done in “a particularly painful or particularly offensive way”. The men have been in custody for eight weeks, but deny that anything criminal has happened. Demanding investigation Askel Rødland is responsible for criminal cases for the police in Sogn og Fjordane. Photo: Brit Jorunn Svanes / news State prosecutor Magne Kvamme Sylta at the Hordaland, Sogn og Fjordane state prosecutor’s office has issued an indictment for aggravated rape. He is not available for comment due to holiday. Criminal case manager for the police in Sogn og Fjordane, Askel Rødland, says that the investigative work has required a lot of resources. – All cases where we investigate sexual abuse are serious. Also this one here. We have focused on that throughout the investigation, and that the investigation must be both thorough and as objective as possible, he says. Secure mobile videos The police have been conducting digital investigations, forensic investigations and securing traces and analyzes from secured material. news has previously been informed that the police have secured several film clips and snapshots in connection with the investigation. Rødland will not say anything about what the videos show. More than 30 witness interviews have been conducted in the case. – In a certain case, we must go through all the observations that have taken place in and around the incident. In this case, there were quite a few people who the police thought were necessary to hear what they had observed. Not aware that in the indictment Ivar Eivind Hauge defends one of the accused men. Photo: RAGNHILD MYKLEMYR / news Lawyer Ivar Eivind Hauge represents one of the accused men. He does not want to comment on the case in detail, but says his client admits to sexual intercourse with the woman. – As he sees it, it is not about rape. He is shocked that charges have been brought. He is distressed by the situation, he says. Ivar Blikra represents the youngest of the men. – My client does not admit criminal guilt after the indictment, he says. The lawyer for the third, Paul-Inge Angelshaug, says that his client takes the indictment seriously, but that he does not feel comfortable with the indictment as it stands now. – He wants to claim that he has been acquitted and does not accept criminal liability. The woman’s lawyer, Ann Mari Bjørlo, does not wish to comment on the indictment at this time. Sogn og Fjordane District Court has set aside six days for the case when it comes up over the New Year. Published 17.07.2024, at 17.22
