Three dead and at least 50 injured in train accident in Missouri – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Three people have lost their lives and at least 50 have been injured. The Missouri emergency services told the press on Monday night. According to the train company Amtrak, there were around 243 passengers and 12 crew members on board when the accident happened. The train collided with a truck crossing the track at a crossing near the town of Mendon, Monday afternoon US time. Eight carriages and two locomotives overturned by the rails. – Everything happened in slow motion. It started rocking and rocking, and then shaking and then all of a sudden, all this dust through my window, says passenger Robert Nightingale to CNN. Nightingale was not injured, but the train had fallen over on the side where his compartment was, so he could not get out of the window. But he got out on the other side of the train, where several climbed out. Remains of the wrecked truck, where the train overturned in the background. Photo: Dax McDonald / AP The train was on its way from Los Angeles to Chicago when the accident happened. This is the second accident Amtrak has in two days. On Sunday, a train with 85 passengers on board hit a vehicle in California. Three people were killed and two seriously injured, but they were all in the other vehicle.
