Three children hit by a car in Nordre Follo – Latest news – news

16 October 2023 at 14:50 Three children hit by a car in Nordre Follo Three children have been taken to hospital after they were hit by a car in Langhusveien in Nordre Follo on Monday afternoon. The police and ambulance moved out after they were notified of the accident at 2.41pm. The accident happened in a 50 zone in Langhusveien, according to the police. – We are talking about three children between the ages of seven and twelve. All three must be awake and breathing on their own, the police write on X. – The children are from slightly to moderately or seriously injured, says police operations manager Terje Marstad to news. He says they were hit by a car in a pedestrian lane. The police have control over the driver, who is said to be a man in his 20s. – Two of the children are slightly injured and are being transported by ambulance to Ahus. The third child, who is considered seriously injured, is taken to Ullevål, says Marstad. The air ambulance was called, but sent back again, because there was no need for it, according to Marstad. – The police cannot yet say anything about the sequence of events, but several witness interviews have been carried out at the scene, says incident leader Øyvind Brekke at the scene to news. In an update on X/Twitter at 4.40pm, the police write that the driver is being reported and that the driver’s license has been temporarily seized. He is also followed up by health personnel. The accident caused a lot of traffic in the area. A little before 4 p.m., it was reported that the road had been opened for normal passage again. – There are many children/school pupils who have seen paramedics and police work with first aid on children who have been hit. We recommend adults to have a chat with their children if they have seen something from the scene so that the children get a processed impression, urges the police on X/Twitter.
