Three cars caught fire in Oslo on Friday night – the second car fire in a week – Greater Oslo

Three cars were totally damaged in a fire at Holmlia on the night of Friday. There was a danger that the fire would spread to several cars. – Just after half past three last night, we received several reports from the Holmlia area that there was going to be a fire in several parked cars at the site. When the patrol arrived, they described it as there being a full fire in three parked cars, says operations manager in Oslo police district Vidar Pedersen. The police will now carry out crime scene investigations. Photo: Adnan Ayanle / PSPresse He says it was quickly clarified that there was no risk of spreading to the building mass on the site. At 03.10, the fire service informs that the fire has been extinguished, and the police are working on the scene with crime scene investigations. – There were two cars that caught fire, and the fire spread to a third, says Kjetil Johanson, duty commander of the Oslo Fire and Rescue Service, to news. No arrests – We have had a search, including with a dog patrol, for possible perpetrators, but so far we have neither arrested nor suspects in the case, says Pedersen of the Oslo police. On the night of Wednesday, two cars caught fire in Haugerud, and in the past few weeks there have been 16 car fires in the capital. Crews from the Oslo Fire and Rescue Service extinguished the fires at Holmlia. Photo: Adnan Ayanle / PSPresse Do you see this in connection with previous fires? – It is a little too early to say, says operations manager Vidar Pedersen. He says they must complete the crime scene investigation and interview witnesses. – And then of course we will look at this case against the other car fires that have happened in Oslo recently, says Pedersen. There were several people in the neighborhood who were awakened by this. But the police have so far no description of the perpetrators. Since April, the police suspect that a total of 16 cars have been set on fire in several places in the capital Published 21.06.2024, at 04.48 Updated 21.06.2024, at 05.02
