Three arrested in abduction case at Romerike – Latest news – news

21 May 2023 at 03:10 Three arrested in abduction case at Romerike A man is said to have been forced into a car against his will on Saturday evening at Bjørkelangen in Aurskog-Høland. On the night of Sunday, three men were arrested in the case. The police were alerted by a witness who had seen a man apparently being forced into a car on Bjørkelangen at 10.14pm on Saturday evening. – The car then drove away from the scene. We armed ourselves and searched with great forces for the car. We also received assistance from the police helicopter, operations manager Joakim Ormaasen in the East police district tells NTB on the night of Sunday. After about two hours, at 00:33, the police found both the offended man and three other men who were arrested. The police do not want to say where they were found. – All three are charged with deprivation of liberty. The arrest proceeded calmly, and the victim was not injured, says the operation manager. He says those involved in the case will be questioned overnight into Sunday. (NTB)
