Three arrested after joint control of the tourism industry – news Troms and Finnmark

Three people have been charged on suspicion of violating Section 379 of the Criminal Code, which applies to gross tax fraud, the police report in a press release. The charges have been brought after the Troms police district, the Norwegian Tax Agency, the National Roads Administration, the Norwegian Labor and Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority carried out an inspection of a tourism operator from Malaysia on 16 and 22 February. The tourism operator was based on Ringvassøya outside Tromsø. – These people are the owners of this business, says police attorney Ronny Jørgensen. Police attorney Ronny Jørgensen. Photo: Dan Henrik Klausen / news According to the investigations carried out on site and a review of seizures, it turned out that the company has over a period welcomed winter tourists from a number of Asian countries and offered them accommodation and transport to various activities. The investigation so far indicates that they have turned over somewhere between NOK 12 and 15 million, without paying tax. – Here you have not registered or made yourself available to the Norwegian authorities, as you should do, says Jørgensen. Deported The accused are said to have had several parties, but according to Jørgensen, had a stop during the pandemic, and started up again for this year’s season. Through their companies, they have had a significant number of guests over several years with groups of 25-30 people, where each person has paid approximately NOK 30,000 for a week’s stay/experiences. – Two of the accused have for several seasons operated Northern Lights tourism in the Tromsø region through various companies that they have owned. The third person’s role has been as hired driver in the current season, says Jørgensen. The three accused were arrested in connection with an operation on Ringvassøya in Troms. Persons in the company must themselves have declared that they have not paid taxes or fees to the Norwegian state, and that they have failed to comply with the laws and regulations surrounding guide activities, including the requirement for a license and driver’s license to operate passenger transport for remuneration. – On a general basis, we can say that we should not have businesses that operate illegally, and it is a high priority for the Tax Agency to uncover and stop such business, says Deputy Director Trond Båtnes from the Tax Office in Tromsø. The three people were arrested at the scene and later released. UDI has now decided to deport them for breach of the Immigration Act. Does not plead guilty Lawyer Tor Reidar Klausen represents two of the accused, and says that they do not plead guilty. Attorney Tor Reidar Klausen. Photo: Malin Straumsnes / news – They don’t quite understand the reason for the charge, they pay tax to their home country for the same income. They are very unsure of what they have done wrong, and what the problem is, says Klausen. He explains that it is likely that the accused have misunderstood the rules, and points out that on the UDI’s website it is stated that you can work as a tourist guide without a work permit. – If you relate to that definition, then I fully understand that they have interpreted the rules incorrectly, says Klausen.
