Three accused of abduction on Romerike after large action – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

It was a witness who reported to the police shortly after 10pm that a man was forced into a car at Bjørkelangen. Large police forces were deployed and two hours later the offended man and the perpetrators were found. Both the emergency squad and the police helicopter took part in the action. The police do not want to say where they were found, but that the perpetrators are previously known. – All three were arrested and sent to the police station in Lillestrøm. All three are partially known to the police from the past and we are not looking for more people. Anders Wiig, the lawyer on duty in the East police district, told news on Sunday morning. Large police forces attended when a man was abducted on Romerike on Saturday evening. Photo: Privat According to the police, the arrest went smoothly and the victim was not injured. All three are charged with serious deprivation of liberty and threats. They will be questioned during Sunday, and the police are also investigating several addresses. – Since we are so early in the investigation, we cannot say anything about the sequence of events and the motive at the present time. But we take the matter very seriously, says Wiig.
