Threatened with publishing children – news Vestland

On Monday, a 46-year-old man pleaded guilty to online abuse of more than 40 children. He allegedly pretended to be a young girl and tricked young boys into performing sexual acts for several years. Unbeknownst to the boys, he filmed them and posted the videos on various forums on the dark web where hundreds of thousands could see them. The man’s explanation began on Tuesday. The prosecution asked the man about the charges, victim by victim. The prosecutor, first state prosecutor Eirik Stolt-Nielsen Photo: Linnea Skare Oskarsen / news “I know what you did yesterday” In court, the man from Bergen explained that he could yell at children who he thought did not behave well towards the girl of the same age he posed as. Sometimes the man was also exposed on the various chat services. The Bergen resident admitted that in such cases he has threatened to make children public. On Tuesday, the police showed the log from a chat between the man and a 12-year-old boy. When the man was exposed, the boy became clumsy in the language, and the defendant wrote the following to the boy: – I know what you did yesterday. I will upload everything on YouTube. When asked by the prosecutor why he threatened children to publish abuse films of them, the defendant replied: – I was bullied as a child. I think that’s what made me answer like that. Bergenser (46) confesses to online rape of over 40 children – pretended he was a young girl Used open chat services The most serious charge is for aggravated rape where four children are victims in the case. The Bergen resident explained that he met the boys on the Omegle chat service in 2017. He chatted with them several times and made them undress and perform sexual acts on themselves and each other, while he posed as a girl. Later, the 46-year-old uploaded the films on the dark web with the boys’ names and places of residence. The prosecutor, first state prosecutor Eirik Stolt-Nielsen, asked the man why he did it. – For my own sake. I like to have a system in everything, replied the defendant. Kim Brügger Villanger and Agnieszka Bulat defend the 46-year-old. Photo: Linnea Skare Oskarsen / news Showing emotions The 46-year-old was calm throughout the court day, until one of the abuse victims was presented. Then he was visibly touched. – It shouldn’t have happened, says the 46-year-old. In the communication between the man and the boy in question, it emerged that the boy was lonely and struggling mentally. – I used him and I feel sorry for him, says the defendant. – Said he was sad because he had few friends Another victim wrote to the 46-year-old that he was “sad because he doesn’t have many friends” The young boy thought he was talking to a girl of the same age. All the boys were filmed and the films were uploaded online. – What do you use the films for? asked prosecutor Stolt-Nielsen in court. – For my own use in the beginning, then I shared them in later years, answered the defendant. It was police investigators at Bryn, at Kripos’ section for internet-related abuse, who exposed the Bergen man who is now charged with online abuse. This is an illustration showing where people who download abusive material live. Photo: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB Police: The abuse videos are spreading The 46-year-old has been in custody since he was arrested in December 2020. Nevertheless, his abuse videos are spreading on the dark web, according to the police. On Tuesday, the police said that several videos from one of Bergen’s users have been re-uploaded on an online forum. The Bergen resident says that he does not know why they have been uploaded. He said that he started making his own abuse films in 2012. – Why did you start? Ask prosecutor Stolt-Nielsen. – I don’t know, answered the defendant. The man explained that he learned from others on the internet how to realistically pretend to be a girl on various chat services. He also downloaded software that made it possible to appear as this girl while filming the boys.
