Threatened jærbu stopped at the border with Ukraine – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

According to a press release from the Polish authorities that was sent out on 30 October, the man from Roga who was convicted of threats was arrested in cooperation between the border control and a special unit of the Polish police. He had then tried to enter Ukraine from Poland. The man is referred to in the press release as an extremist with direct links to neo-Nazi groups. He has previously participated in a military department for foreign volunteers who will fight on Ukraine’s side in the war. It was Aftenbladet that first mentioned the case that the European bowhead had tried to enter Ukraine again this autumn. Back in Norway The man was imprisoned in Poland, and then it was decided to be deported to Norway. The man’s defender, Christen Iben Tollef Minos, informs Aftenbladet that the man is now back in Norway, but he otherwise does not want to comment on the case. Minos has not responded to news’s ​​inquiries on Friday evening. The man has previously posted several photos of flags with swastikas and with the Ukrainian Azov Battalion badge. Photo: Privat Just before Christmas last year, the man sent Snapchat messages to a person who then contacted the police. The messages contained death threats against the then mayor Jonas Skrettingland and deputy mayor Svein Håland in Hå municipality. Both Skrettingland and Håland resigned from their posts after the election this autumn. “For the world to move forward, these must be killed,” said the Snapchat message. “Has taken weapons from murdered Russians” While the man was in Poland, he was sentenced to seven months’ imprisonment in the Gulating Court of Appeal for death threats against the two politicians and against three police officers. He was also convicted of illegal possession of a number of weapons. According to Polish police, the 23-year-old had obtained uniform elements and weapons from killed Russian soldiers during a previous stay in Ukraine. – During the arrest, the officers also seized narcotic substances from the man, as well as material indicating extremism and progressive radicalisation, the report states. The 23-year-old has previously been convicted of violence against a policeman and for having imported several weapons from Germany to Norway. Among the seizures were Russian and Polish machine guns, ammunition and a rifle. The man has claimed that he collected weapons, and that these were not functional, but the court has not agreed with this in any of the judgments against Jærbuen.
