Threaten to shoot them in the head – news Vestland

It was at 00.30 on Tuesday night that the police received a report that a man was threatening neighbors in a housing estate in Øygarden outside Bergen on Tuesday night. – The man allegedly broke a window in the neighboring apartment and said he was going to shoot neighbors in the head, says operations manager Morten Rebnord in the West police district. 35–40 people are said to have witnessed the incident. – Many people called us from the neighbourhood, says Tore André Brakstad in the police. The man also set fire to his own flat. This led to heavy smoke, so that the fire alarm went off in the entire block. – Then this person meets several people in the neighborhood and has such threatening behavior that he ends up in confrontation with several people and is threatening and violent towards them, says Brakstad. Several are said to have been beaten and kicked. The incident happened in Øygarden outside Bergen. Placed in custody In addition, the man is said to have made off with several cars with a metal object. – Shortly afterwards he was arrested by the police on the outside of the block. The police had to use electric shock weapons to get control of him, says the operations leader. By then it was 01.10. The man is unharmed and is now in custody. The police say they know the man from before. Brakstad confirms that the police were armed in the action. The main reason was the threat to use firearms. He points out that the police patrols involved probably perceived the man as so threatening that it was appropriate to use electric shock weapons on the man. – We are now conducting interviews with neighbours, says Rebnord. No neighbors have been reported injured. When the crime scene is cold, forensic technicians will carry out investigations there. The fire service reports that the man’s flat has been burnt down. There is also said to have been smoke damage to several neighboring apartments. The condition of these is currently uncertain. Not 40 offended Even if there were 35-40 witnesses to the incident, probably not all will be given the status of offended, the police say. – Some have been more strongly involved here than others, where some have been exposed to direct threats and had violence exercised against them, while others have a more peripheral role and have been awakened by the noise and the fire alarm. But it has probably been dramatic for those involved here, says Brakstad. How many victims there are in the case is currently unclear.
