Those charged after the shooting in Oslo are extradited to Norway – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

This is confirmed by the defense attorney of one of the accused, Ole Petter Drevland, to news. The decision was made during a court hearing in Milan, Italy. – The court down there has now decided and ruled that he should be extradited to Norway with his consent. Now it is up to the Norwegian police to get this done, he says to news just before 12.00. The two men who are charged with the shooting at the National Theater earlier in January, met today for a court hearing in the Italian city of Milan. The topic of the meeting was extradition back to Norway. – For our part, it is good to just get a clarification that they will be extradited. We hope that the process goes quickly now, and that they will be in Norway within the next few days, says lawyer Usama Ahmad, who defends the other accused. Police attorney Christian Hatlo tells news that they have not been informed about the ruling from Italian law. They currently do not know when the two will be sent back to Norway. None of the Norwegian defenders were present during the meeting, and none of the accused has taken a position on the question of guilt after the shooting. Drevland tells news that he hopes to speak to his client later today. – The court has given permission for us to talk on the phone later today, he says. The men are charged with attempted murder after two men in their 30s and 40s were shot outside a nightclub in the center of Oslo. The men in their 20s are associated with the MC club Satudarah, while the victims are leaders in the criminal gang Young Guns. The motive for the incident is not yet known, but the police say that there has been a long-standing conflict between the two groups. Flee the country The men in their 20s fled the country after the shooting on the night of 15 January. The escape went via Sweden, Denmark and Germany before they were finally apprehended by Italian police at an accommodation in Milan, Italy. Before the arrest, the police went out and called for one of the accused with a photo that had been taken in the center of Oslo before the shooting.
