Thorkildsen: – It has been absolutely terrible – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

July 4, 2022 at 12:49 Thorkildsen: – It has been absolutely terrible Former Nittedal mayor Hilde Thorkildsen (Labor Party) is very happy that she has been acquitted in the Court of Appeal for gross corruption. – It means a lot to me that I have been believed. It has been a very, very tough period, says Thorkildsen to news. She says that the last few years have been very demanding. – I have lived in a nightmare for 2.5 years. I have not been allowed to work. My whole life disappeared overnight, because all positions of trust disappeared. I have been isolated. It has been absolutely terrible, says Thorkildsen. Ecocrime will now consider whether to appeal the case to the Supreme Court. – If they anchor further, I just have to keep telling the truth. I hope no one elected in this country gets into such a situation again, says the former mayor of Nittedal.
