Thor Olaf doesn’t want to spend a lot of money on Christmas – costs less than a thousand – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

While many Christmas shoppers saw the bank cards go hot, Thor Olaf Hegna and his husband decided on an alternative Christmas celebration. – We have agreed with friends and family that this year no gifts will be bought. They must either be used or home-made, he says. The entire Christmas celebration does not cost more than one thousand Swedish kroner, he estimates. – We don’t even spend NOK 1,000. We are just two people and two dogs, but we have a three-course dinner and a bottle of wine. It includes gifts for everyone, says Hegna. It was the newspaper Kragerø Blad Vestmar that first mentioned the case. Crazy about buying pressure Thor Olaf Hegna has not always lived frugally, but now he thinks the buying pressure has gone in the wrong direction. – Finances have become a huge problem for people. In addition, I think it is absolutely horrible to see how people just buy and buy. I get a lot of nice things at Finn that are unopened, says Hegna. Thor Olaf Hegna and Penn Uthen Sribunruang find treasures in nature that can be used for nice Christmas decorations. Photo: Robert Hansen / news He is not alone in tightening his spending before Christmas. This year we will spend NOK 12,170 each on Christmas shopping. This is NOK 460 less than December last year, according to forecasts from Virke. They estimate a decrease of 3.5 per cent compared to last year’s Christmas shopping. Gives more joy Thor Olaf Hegna is looking for things that can become Christmas presents all year round. – When I see something free on, I think that it will be nice, I can use it, he says. After Christmas, Hegna goes to the churchyard and finds wreaths that have been thrown away. He removes the decorations, dries the bast and makes new wreaths which he gives away. – People can have them in the churchyard or on their door, he says. In nature, he finds blueberry heather, moss and pine cones that become fine Christmas decorations. Thor Olaf Hegna made the Christmas decorations himself. Photo: Robert Hansen / news An old box can be filled with soft drinks bottles and decorated with spruce and cotton. – Whoever gets it loves the soft drink and will be very happy, he smiles. Homemade gifts bring greater joy, believes Hegna. Last year he made a wreath as a Christmas present for his dentist. – “Gee, so great, it’s the first time I’ve received a homemade wreath”, he commented. The reaction you get from people, you never get otherwise. Maybe only with a diamond ring, he laughs. Think several thinkers alternatively Leader of the organization Fremtiden i våre hands, Anja Bakken Riise, thinks many feel an enormous pressure to spend at Christmas. She believes that more people than before are thinking alternatively this year, both for environmental reasons, but also because of the economy. CONSUMPTION PRESSURE: – I think many people feel enormous pressure to spend at Christmas, including myself. It is very liberating to be able to let go of it a little, says Anja Bakken Riise, leader of Framtiden in our hands. Photo: David Skovly / news The simplest tip for a funnier and more environmentally friendly Christmas is to tell friends and family that you want used things or experiences as a gift. Then the threshold will be lower for giving it, she believes. – Check out all the different used websites that exist, if what you want to buy is available there first. Often it is much cheaper than buying new, and often at least as good stuff, says Riise. Christmas can also mean that a lot of good food ends up at the back of the fridge and never gets eaten. – There is a lot to save in planning the dinners during Christmas, and planning what to do with the leftovers, she says. Thinking about the environment Thor Olaf Hegna hopes to inspire others to think creatively and environmentally friendly. – I think what is happening is absolutely crazy. Many people are ill-advised and I think we should think about the environment, he says. Thor Olaf Hegna’s budget may inspire: Christmas ham: NOK 149 Brown sauce: NOK 10 Wine: NOK 150 Rice porridge: NOK 13 Strawberry sauce: NOK 15 Frozen vegetables: NOK 18 Cream: NOK 20 Marzipan pig: NOK 15 Clementines: NOK 10 Onions: 10 NOK Potatoes: NOK 10 Wreath cake: NOK 68 Various Christmas treats and sweets: NOK 100 Gifts for friends and family: NOK 100 Gifts for each other: NOK 200
