– This was different from what we had originally thought – news Nordland

Almost 150,000 people with a love for rock and metal have made the trip to Tons of Rock at Ekebergsletta in Oslo this week. The program includes Metallica, Europe, ZZ Top and Black Debbath. But not everyone followed the regular programme, because Anne Brun and Tor Henrik Johansen chose to add something extra romantic to this year’s festival experience. At 17:00 this afternoon, they were declared married, under a portal in the middle of the “Vampire” and “Moonlight” stages – It feels very good, says the couple from Vesterålen – who are not only newlyweds, but who are sharing their first festival experience together . Tor Henrik Johansen was obviously happy with his wife shortly after the wedding. Photo: Mari Garås Monsson / news Bigger than first thought The couple, who have been together for 10 years and engaged for seven years, explain that it was not in their future plans to get married at a festival. – This turned out somewhat differently than first thought, because we were going to have a small and discreet wedding without too much attention, says Johansen. It all started with a post on Tons of Rock’s Facebook page last winter, where Johansen saw an advertisement for the opportunity to get married during the festival. He mentioned his fiancée in a comment, and then it was done. – I put it simply that “we’re driving on”, says the wife. The two met through mutual acquaintances and a common interest in “Minions”. Today, they are also part of the joy of good music. – Over the course of ten years, we have approached from each extreme. He liked the hard side, while I was more on the classical side. Together we have ended up with a broad interest in music. Ahead of the wedding, Anne and Tor Henrik were a little nervous about what awaited. – I had been calm right up until we sat on the bus up to Ekebergsletta. Photo: Mari Garås Monsson / news Four couples ready for marriage The ceremony was held under a simple portal, decorated with flowers and skulls. On the way to the portal there were cheers and soap bubble machines. And the couple from Nordland were not the only ones who rocked Ekebergsletta. As many as ten couples want to be forged in the hymen’s chains during the festival. Master of ceremonies Bodil Nilsen is happy to be able to give people a special experience at the festival. Photo: Mari Garås Monsson / news The ceremony was performed by Bodil Nilsen. – This is perfect, because I like metal, listen to rock and love the festival. Nilsen is a member of the Human-Ethical Association. She looked into the possibility of taking a course, and after a short time she could call herself a certified ceremony leader. – It started as a thought, and then it became like this. One of the things I like about the association is that we are where people are, and do so especially for those who are getting married. Nilsen held seven weddings last year, including one Tons of Rock. This year there were significantly more festival weddings. – It’s just love and fun! It’s tons of love! Married in new shorts If you choose to get married at a festival, it is not as easy for family and friends to be present. The couple will hold a wedding party in their home municipality already next weekend, but were surprised during today’s wedding ceremony. – There were more famous people there than we had thought. Suddenly there were people from the “Bearded Men” association of which the old man is a part, friends from youth and acquaintances from our municipality. And the attire of today’s bride and groom was kept simple, in almost 30 degrees heat. – The old man got new shorts, and a frozen northerner like me went for a nicer festival outfit, laughs the bride. According to the bride and groom, the wedding lasted for a few minutes, but it was long enough to feel the seriousness of the moment, says the bride. Photo: Mari Garås Monsson / news Published 27.06.2024, at 20.28 Updated 27.06.2024, at 20.38
