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Immediately after the end of the match, the TV cameras captured an apparently angry and irritated Warren Kamanzi in discussion with teammate Kristoffer Klaesson. When the Norway duo met in the press zone afterwards, they emphasized that their anger was not directed at each other. – It was against one of the Italy players. Warren was put in a choke hold, and then I basically just tried to keep him away. Of course you get mad when someone has a stranglehold on you, so I really just tried to keep him away, says Klaesson to news. Kamanzi says that it was Italy’s number 18 (Matteo Cancellieri) that he got into a fight with. Matteo Cancellieri choked Warren Kamanzi after the match. Photo: AP Norway’s left-back, who made a good tackle against Italy, is puzzled by the behavior of the Italian. – He turned towards me and grabbed my neck twice. I didn’t really do anything. Of course I went at him, and things are said, but he grabs my throat twice and no one sees it. It’s a shame, says Kamanzi. – Why did he get angry? – He was probably angry from before. I gave him a small one during the match, then he tried to give me one back after that again. I think he was a little annoyed. He had a bad run-in, so he was probably angry after that, says Kamanzi. – You seemed angry too and had to be dragged away by Klaesson? – I wanted to… If you are choked, taken by the throat, you react like that. No one is going to take you there, he says. news has contacted the Italian Football Association and given both the association and Matteo Cancellieri the opportunity to comment on what happened. At the time of writing, we have not received a response. – Shouldn’t happen Klaesson says that he also didn’t notice that Kamanzi did anything special to trigger the Italians’ anger. Norway’s goalkeeper says he turned around and suddenly noticed that something was about to happen. – Then of course I get mad too, but I was just trying to calm my own player down, he says. – There are a lot of emotions going on, but that shouldn’t happen, he adds. Kamanzi believes Cancellieri should have been punished for what happened. – There should be cameras that capture things like that, but it has to be. I don’t care so much about it now, he says. “Italy, what a disaster” There is also anger in the Italian press after Italy’s disappointing EC exit on Wednesday evening. “Italy, what a disaster: they lose to Norway and say goodbye to the EC”, writes La Gazzetta dello Sport. Empoli player Nicolò Cambiaghi lies flat after the defeat against Norway. – It hurts to go out like this. A huge disappointment. We played three good games, but made some mistakes that could have been avoided, and you pay a price for that at this level, he says according to Corriere dello Sport. Kamanzi: – I’m not going to lie Kamanzi, who got his first playing minutes in the EC on Wednesday night, admits to news that he is disappointed by the lack of playing time in the championship. – I’m not going to lie, I expected more. But there is a broad squad with many good players, so it can be like that, says the France professional. – Are you dissatisfied with Smerud’s choice or do you understand it? – Of course I’m not satisfied, because in my head I should play everything. But I respect the coach’s choice, replies the 22-year-old. Norway’s U21 boys must therefore return home from the EC after three points in as many matches. Now it’s over for Leif Gunnar Smerud, who has finished as national team coach for this time. – I am so incredibly proud of this group. An effort against an Italy that is full of class players. It’s so sad to deliver these three performances here and not go ahead with one damn goal, says national team manager Leif Gunnar Smerud to news.
