This means the new dog law for you who want or have a dog – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– There is always a lot to learn about the new dog you get. Dog trainer Maren Teien Rørvik, known from the series «From bully to best friend», says. She suspects that many who have bought a dog during the pandemic have not taken courses because they either do not have the opportunity or desire. This will result in the new dog owners not having the knowledge they should have, says Rørvik. Dog trainer Maren Teien Rørvik is the program leader in the dog series «From bully to best friend». Here she is with the dog Zlatan. Photo: Max Emanuelson / Monster / NRK The Storting is now in the process of changing the dog law from 2003. The law has remained unchanged until now. This week they finished the first round, when the changes were unanimously approved. Rørvik explains that the changes are largely about making dog owners more responsible above their dog. – It is a little clearer that it is the dog owner’s responsibility to familiarize himself with the rules around the dog law, and not least in dogs’ needs and behavior. In other words, dog owners must seek knowledge about the dog they are going to acquire. This is new in the new dog law. Dog owners must have the necessary competence to be able to prevent unfortunate situations or injuries from occurring. Such competence includes, among other things, knowledge about keeping and training a dog and knowledge about the dog’s needs, natural behavior, area of ​​use and the potential for harm to the dog. During the period without restraint, the dog owner must act prudently and only let the dog run free under supervision and with control to prevent and prevent damage or inconvenience to humans, domestic animals, domestic reindeer or property. The law is more specific about what harm to animals or humans entails, and defines different degrees of harm. In the event of an attack on a human or other animal, the police must assess, among other things, emphasize conditions in the dog’s health that may have led to more aggressive behavior, and whether there are measures that can prevent it from happening again. A general requirement for dog owners to be careful: prevent and show care to be careful to avoid the dog being seen in a situation where he can harm people, animals, property or things. make sure that the dog or dog is not unreasonably detrimental to people, animals, the environment or other interests. ensure safety for the dog, people and other animals by keeping the dog under proper supervision, and handle the dog in such a way that he can meet individual needs. Source: Shall have a preventive effect The competence requirement is intended to have a preventive effect, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food states. Both prior learning and formal competence are meant to be included in the requirement. Competence to take care of the needs of the dog, as well as knowing what the natural behavior is, is what will be included in the necessary competence. – The competence must also include knowledge about training and the area of ​​use of the dog, the ministry writes in an e-mail to NRK. It is up to the police to enforce the dog law. With the new law, the police will be able to emphasize whether the dog owner has the necessary competence, but lack of competence in itself will not alone lead to punishment. – Lack of competence will be able to substantiate decisions that apply to other violations of the law, the ministry writes. What do dog owners know? In Norway, there are currently over half a million dog owners. If one thinks that there are on average two people in a house, this corresponds to about one dog per fifth household. Martine Halvorseth Johansen’s cohabitant had wanted a dog for eight years. – He has three books about German Shepherds, so he has read up and was very ready to get this dog here. The German Shepherd Bella is a little selfish, Johansen says, so she does not go far away from the owner. If there are curious dogs that want health, she can become very vocal. It scares many, says Johnsen. Matmot Martine Halvorseth Johnsen and the German Shepherd dog Bella have gone to the dog farm in Frognerparken. Here, Johnsen has taken knowledge from other dog owners. Photo: Ingeborg Undheim / NRK – But it’s just barking to say that here I am, and then she calms down right away. Johansen has read about the dog breed himself, and has participated in training with the local German Shepherd Club. In addition, she has taken Bella to dog parks, where Johnsen has talked to other dog owners and learned from them. – Before that I did not know much about German Shepherds. I have our scared dogs, but it is cured now. Therese Knoph-Sulland has had a Jack Russel terrier before, and says she knew what it would mean to get a new one. Therese Knoph-Sulland and the Jack Russel terrier Ludvik, aged one year and four months, are out training not to be disturbed by their surroundings on tour. Photo: Ingeborg Undheim / NRK – I knew I wanted a terrier, because I like that there are a lot of dogs in a small body. Because she has had the same dog breed before, she has not been to puppy courses or other courses. – But I have gone to agility training so that he can use his head. Now she and the dog Ludvik are out training to go for a walk without greeting everything and everyone around. Cobberdog dog Max has taken the road to dog land in a team with grandfather Knut Rostad, who takes care of his daughter’s dog while she is at work. Knut Rostad says Cobber wins anyway – a Max comes as soon as he shouts at him. This day they have taken the trip to the dog land in Frognerparken. Photo: Ingeborg Undeheim / NRK Rostad tells that the daughter was on a puppy course with the dog, but he himself has not taken a course. – But I grew up with dogs then, so I have some experience. What you should know Leiar in the Norwegian Behavioral Group for Pets (NAS), Turid Buvik, is particularly pleased with the changes that revolve around dog owners’ knowledge. – It is always better to prevent than to repair. Buvik says it is easier to prevent unwanted behavior if you know more about your dog. It is not specified in the new dog law how the requirement for competence and knowledge of dog owners should be enforced, but Buvik has some tips for those who want or have a dog. Before you get a dog The first thing you should do before you get a dog, according to Buvik, is to get acquainted with the dog breed. If you want a mixed breed dog, you have to get acquainted with the dog breeds the dog is a mix of. – It has an incredible amount to say about the characteristics of the dog and what you can expect. If you are a person who likes to go for a walk and be active, hunting dogs can be a suitable choice. For those who stay most in the city, one of the company breeds, which is a little smaller, is a good alternative, says Buvik. The cockapoo dog Dobby, plays with the owner Atle Martinsen. The dog is considered a social companion dog and a decent family dog. Photo: Ingeborg Undheim / NRK Then you must know what the probability is that these qualities come in your individual, says Buvik. Then you need to familiarize yourself with the breeding line and talk to breeders about how your potential dog’s relatives are. Both parents, uncles and aunts. Buvik explains that there may be some dogs with characteristics that are not typical of the breed. – It can be a guard dog that is afraid, or hunting dogs that are afraid of shots. The third thing one should do before acquiring the dog is to check how one trains him, cooperates with him and builds trust. This is how you know if this is a dog you have the time and opportunity to follow up. Cobberdog Alfred looks up expectantly at his owner holding a stick. The breed is considered to be allergy friendly. Photo: Ingeborg Undheim / NRK An example of a rage one should steer clear of if one has never had a dog before is the Belgian sheepdog and border collie. – There are dog breeds that can have problematic behavior if they are not allowed to cover their needs. Pure walking will never satisfy them. Of course, it can also go well in some cases, she adds, but one should be careful. If the dog changes behavior Even if you have acquired a dog, read up and acquired knowledge, it may still happen that your dog changes behavior. According to the Dog Act § 18 f, the dog must be checked by a veterinarian if it exhibits unwanted behavior. Pain can make the dog more aggressive. Should the dog become more restless or aggressive than usual, Buvik advises you to seek help relatively early. A jogger on a dog yard can quickly be perceived as a playmate. Dog owner of goldendoodle Pasham (pictured) was afraid that the dog would run after the jogger. It did not happen. The new dog law also sets stricter requirements for dog owners to be careful when the dog is not on a leash. Photo: Ingeborg Undheim / NRK From experience she knows that many ask neighbors or others they know for advice, but winning quick advice and solutions is scary. – Know that the person you get help from has education and competence in it, and in addition has some experience. The most important thing, according to Buvik, is to make sure that you get help from someone who does ethical dog training, where you give a carrot instead of a whip. In Norway, this is not a requirement to be a dog trainer. – Solutions should be such that the dog is comfortable. Dog training with trainers who have never seen the breed before, can cause the dog discomfort and in the worst case make him more aggressive, says Buvik. Jack Russel terrier Ludvik is portrayed as a happy and contented dog with lots of energy. According to the Norwegian Kennel Club, the breed is well suited to an active family. The dog also thrives best in others’ company. Photo: Ingeborg Undheim / NRK If you have not followed the first advice Have you thought that you want to get a dog, but have not read much about the dog or have you got a dog that is not typical of the breed? Then the advice is to talk to breeders. They know the breed and the members of your dog’s family. And then you have to sign up for a puppy course. – There you get lots of tips, and you also get a small network so that you can get started with a good puppy life already there.
