This means the 6 January committee’s report for Trump – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The committee that has been investigating the storming of the US Congress for a year and a half believes that the attack would not have happened without Donald Trump. And for the first time, Congress is recommending the indictment and prosecution of a former president. An intense 17-month investigation is shedding light on Donald Trump’s attempt to overturn the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. Donald Trump is accused of inciting riots when he spoke to his supporters. Several of them stormed Congress shortly afterwards, on 6 January last year, to stop the approval of the election results. Photo: BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP It has never happened before that an American president has attempted to prevent a peaceful transfer of power. On Wednesday, the final report from the Congressional January 6 Committee will be released. Facts about the January 6 committee created on July 1, 2021 to investigate the attack on Congress a committee in the House of Representatives with seven Democrats and two Republicans committee members believe Trump should be charged with inciting riots, for obstructing public proceedings, and for false representation and fraud directed at the US government. over 1,000 witnesses have been interviewed, over a million documents have been reviewed, several of Trump’s associates cooperated, others did not. Trump’s adviser Steve Bannon was sentenced to prison because he refused to explain himself. Advisor Peter Navarro is also charged with not cooperating with Congress. the committee in the House of Representatives does not have the authority to decide that criminal proceedings should be brought, but can send a recommendation to the Ministry of Justice. the committee will probably be disbanded when the new Congress takes office in January 2023. Source: The report must be detailed with witness statements, documentation and recommendations on what should happen next. Trump’s colleague Liz Cheney, who is the deputy chairman of the investigation committee, said that Trump is unfit for any public office. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP – The main reason for January 6 was a man, former President Donald Trump, who many others followed, says the committee’s deputy chair Liz Cheney (R). Already, the committee, dominated by Democrats, has voted to recommend criminal proceedings against Trump. They have proposed four charges. The committee has no legal power, so it is a symbolic act when the case now ends up with the Ministry of Justice. The ministry already has its own ongoing investigations. They have different requirements for evidence and documentation than a congressional committee, but the evidence can be assessed with their own findings. Audio recordings were played of Trump calling Georgia state election official Brad Raffensperger and asking him to find votes. Photo: TOM BRENNER / Reuters Nevertheless, pressure is increasing on the Ministry of Justice to build a case against former President Donald Trump. What does this mean for Donald Trump? This is a week of potentially bad news for the former president, who has recently announced that he will try again. The road to 2024 may be more complicated than Trump envisions: the congressional committee has documented his attempts to cling to power in 2020. The publishing industry is already queuing up to publish the historic report, which can be experienced as humiliating for Trump. Trump is no longer dominant in the Republican Party. Several of Trump’s hand-picked candidates did poorly in the autumn elections, especially those who stood behind his lies that the election had been stolen from him. Trump receives criticism for dinner guests who praise white supremacy and Hitler. A number of lawsuits and investigations against him are ongoing locally, at the state and federal level Donald Trump has shown abilities before to fight back. He has made it through two impeachment cases. Donald Trump has fought to keep his tax returns secret. The Supreme Court has ruled that Trump must extradite. Photo: Susan Walsh / AP Unlike in the past, there are more Republican votes who will now not pledge to support Trump as a presidential candidate in 2024. Commentator Maggie Haberman in the New York Times believes that the January 6 Committee’s work has contributed to Trump’s weaker position now. Trump’s tax return may become public It is also not positive news, seen in Trump’s eyes, that a committee in Congress will decide whether his tax returns should be made public. Trump has used the legal system for years in an attempt to keep his personal wealth and sources of income secret. The committee meets at 21 Tuesday Norwegian time to decide on the tax papers. Facts about Donald Trump’s presidency Donald Trump was president of the United States for four years until he lost re-election in 2020 and had to leave the White House. Trump was elected president in November 2016, with Hillary Clinton as the opposite candidate for the Democrats. He won the election with 306 to 232 electoral delegates, but almost 3 million fewer votes than Clinton. Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States in January 2017. During his presidency, he implemented a wide range of controversial measures, including a ban on immigration from Muslim countries, the construction of a wall against Mexico and withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and the World Health Organization. One of his most important victories was to appoint three conservative justices to the Supreme Court. He also appointed a number of other conservative federal judges. He also started a trade war with China, introduced a comprehensive tax reform with tax cuts for everyone, especially the richest, and moved the US Israel embassy to Jerusalem. Special counsel Robert Mueller concluded that his campaign was helped by Russia to win the 2016 election, but did not find sufficient evidence that Trump himself was involved. Trump was impeached in 2020, accused of trying to pressure Ukraine to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for corruption. He was acquitted by the Republican majority. Trump is accused of sloppy handling of the corona pandemic, which undermined a relatively good economic development and led to the USA becoming one of the hardest hit countries in the world. Around 400,000 died in 2020. In November, Trump lost the re-election against Biden with 232 to 306 electoral delegates and almost 7 million fewer votes than the opposing candidate. However, he refused to admit defeat, tried hard to have the election overturned, and ended up being impeached again, accused of inciting his followers to storm Congress while the approval of the election was pending. On February 13, Trump was acquitted by 43 Republican senators. Two years later, Trump is still spreading conspiracy theories that he actually won the election. Source: NTB President Trump has defended himself by saying that the hearings in Congress are a political witch hunt. The final report on what happened before and during the storming of Congress contains transcripts of witness statements and interviews with his closest circle. Trump’s former senior adviser Kellyanne Conway is among those who tried to tell Trump that he had lost the election. She wrote this in her biography, and told the congressional committee. Photo: SAUL LOEB / AFP Several of them claim that they told the president that there was no significant electoral fraud. According to the committee, Trump heard this from advisers Hope Hicks and Kellyanne Conway, and his own Attorney General William Barr, among others. The details will reveal whether there are different or conflicting versions. So far, the committee has controlled what has been made public and who they see as credible witnesses. For Trump, it may be difficult to convince others that the committee’s presentation is incorrect. Trump himself expresses on his social medium Truth Social that it energizes the grassroots when someone goes after him, and that he comes out of it strengthened. The special investigator is linked to the US Attorney General’s appointment of Jack Smith as an independent special investigator a month ago. Smith will look into two ongoing Justice Department investigations of former President Donald Trump. Special Investigator Jack Smith was appointed on November 18. His task is to conclude on whether the Ministry of Justice should indict former President Donald Trump. Photo: Charles Dharapak / AP Smith was appointed to avoid accusations of a dual role or conflict of interest since both Trump and Biden have intentions to run for president in 2024. One of the cases concerns the retention of classified documents. The second about Trump’s role in the attack on Congress on 6 January 2021. Listen to news’s ​​Updated on which documents the FBI is looking for at Trump’s home. Smith has a background in the International Criminal Court, as chief prosecutor for war crimes in Kosovo. Special Investigator Jack Smith may ignore Congress’s recommendation to indict Trump. He is then expected to explain why his findings are not in line with what the congressional January 6 committee concluded. Not right-wing headlines Monday’s news that the 6 January committee recommends impeaching the former president did not reach all Americans. In the right-wing media, the committee’s conclusion was not an issue in the main broadcasts, writes CNN. They point to reviews by Fox News, Newsmax and Gateway Pundit, outlets seen as safe platforms for Trump supporters. New Congress will pursue Biden When the Republicans gain the majority in the new House of Representatives next year, it is expected that the January 6 Committee will be closed down. Several of the committee’s members chose not to stand for re-election, or they lost the autumn election. Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan and how he protects the US southern border with Mexico are among the issues Republicans will have hearings on. Photo: Andrew Harnik / AP Republicans have announced a series of investigations into President Biden, his family and political decisions. Kevin McCarthy and Jim Jordan sit in the leadership, which calls for hearings. They ignored subpoenas from the January 6 Committee and risk a reaction from the Congressional Ethics Committee. The White House may use McCarthy and Jordan’s reluctance to cooperate as Republicans send subpoenas down the street to the White House. If the former president is prosecuted for criminal acts, we will probably get an answer closer to the presidential election campaign in 2024.
