This is what you can do to improve your sex life after pelvic floor problems – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– There are a lot of people who think that this is something you have to take into account when you get older or have given birth. But it shouldn’t be like that. Physiotherapist Signe Stafne talks about pelvic floor problems. There can be, for example, leaks of urine and faeces, or abdominal prolapse. She helps patients who, among other things, struggle with this in her office at St. Olav’s hospital in Trondheim. Physiotherapist Signe Stafne wants more transparency about pelvic floor pain and what can be done about it. Photo: Sverre Lilleeng / news Now she and several colleagues have carried out a survey on the sex life of those who have problems with the pelvic floor. – The fear that you will leak urine or that you will leak air or faeces is difficult to handle, says Stafne. Afraid of making it worse To do the first thing first: The pelvic floor is the muscles that act a bit like the floor of the body. The musculature surrounds the vagina, urethra and rectum. It gives you control over, among other things, urine and faeces. The reddish brown on the model of the abdomen is the pelvic floor muscles. Photo: Sverre Lilleeng / news Both men and women have this musculature, but in women the area is exposed to completely different stresses, for example through one or more births. Stafne and her colleagues sent out a survey to over 600 women who had been referred to hospital by their GP. Only a third responded. The researchers believe that part of the reason is that many people find it taboo to answer questions about their sex life. Among the 200 who responded, several things were repeated, shows the study published in Sexual Medicine. – Many are afraid that being sexually active can worsen the symptoms. They were afraid it could do more damage. – Can it? – No, it can’t, says Stafne. Nevertheless, fear and uncertainty can affect the pleasure of sex. Dare to ask Around two thirds of those who took part in the NTNU survey were sexually active. The last third did not have sex with either themselves or others. Researcher Susan Saga says that some women put their sex life on hold when there is a change in the pelvic floor. – Then they get scared instead of getting the information and knowledge about aids, and that it is not dangerous to be sexually active. Associate professor Susan Saga is concerned with women’s sexual health. Photo: Sverre Lilleeng / news That is why she believes it is important that healthcare personnel dare to ask about their sex life when they receive patients with pelvic floor problems in their office. She also has to remind her students of that: – They think the sexual function is something that belongs to younger people. But sexual health belongs to the whole life, says Saga. – Like a sports injury A good number of women experience pelvic floor problems in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. Signe Stafne says that both health personnel and the individual can do a lot here. – When you are pregnant and when you give birth, the muscles and connective tissue are stretched and stretched a bit crazy. In the delivery room, doctors and midwives must also be aware of the damage that can occur in the muscles, and ensure that they are handled properly right away. Then it has to be trained afterwards. – It’s like a sports injury, says Stafne. In her office, she has a picture to remind her and the patients to do pinch exercises. Training the pelvic floor has several benefits. It can prevent leaks of both urine and air. Photo: Sverre Lilleeng / news – Proper strength training of the pelvic floor muscles provides better strength, function and support in the abdominal area, less urinary incontinence and less prolapse symptoms, says the physiotherapist. There are aids, but not everyone gets well just from exercise. They can still struggle with leaks of urine and faeces. Then you can, for example, do something with the food to make emptying the bowels easier. In addition, there are a number of aids, for example if you have leaks when you are out jogging. – You can get support products that can be inserted into the vagina. It provides the small support against the urethra that allows you to be tight during the jog, says Stafne. At the same time, she says that few people know about all the possibilities that exist. In addition, there are a number of women and doctors who are skeptical about anything else that can help when you reach menopause. Medicines can be a solution – Many people are afraid of oestrogen. But there are very few women who cannot use it locally. A common effect of the menopause is that you become dry and get sore mucous membranes in the abdomen. Suppositories can do that better. – The effect “boosts” muscles, supporting tissue and mucous membranes. And it has a very positive effect on sexual function, says Stafne. The physiotherapist says that men’s sex lives have long been in focus. Also when they get older. – They get their Viagra and can just drive on. Then they often have a partner of the same age who does not receive the same help, but who also has his natural decline in sexual function. We have to help them too. Published 07.10.2024, at 21.38
