This is what the listeners wondered – news Culture and entertainment

Never before has a Norwegian podcast had more listeners than news’s ​​”Mysteriet Adam”. The story published its last two episodes on Wednesday, and has passed one million weekly downloads. This means that the podcast series “Stories from reality” is in clear first place among Norwegian podcasts, according to Podtoppen. The series has created enormous interest among the Norwegian people, say podcast journalists Trude Lorentzen and Askild Matre Aasarød. news has asked listeners to submit questions to the series creators. LISTENERS ANSWER: Trude Lorentzen and Askild Matre Aasarød have answered questions about the podcast. Photo: Geir Bjarte Hjetland / news One question in particular has returned to the inbox: Is “Adam”, i.e. Barbora Skrlova, alive today? Barbora is still alive, confirms Aasarød. Today, she lives with a new identity in the Czech Republic. – The carer we are talking to, who is the closest we have come to getting an insight into her everyday life today, says that she lives a life where she needs a lot of support, and that she is shielded from the world around her. news does not have the opportunity to verify this further, but Aasarød says that this information matches what the man who helped her, John Bok, says. – Then there are others we have spoken to who believe that she also plays a role today. Several have also questioned the reason why Barbora chose to pretend to be a young teenager. During the trial, an expert sect researcher said that a possible explanation is the religious conviction of the group she was a member of. Lorentzen explains that according to the beliefs of the group, an offshoot of the Grail Movement, Barbora can be seen as a kind of Messiah. At the same time, they believe that you can achieve contact with God by becoming a child. It was therefore important that Barbora should live like a child, and be believed by the outside world. – As Jesus died as a martyr on the cross, it was also central that this child should suffer. This may be the reason why Adam – and also the Anicka figure in the Czech Republic – appeared as a victim of abuse and also appeared morbid. Adam’s parents were also a hot topic. The people who posed as the parents in Norway were in reality actors who were part of the religious group. Barbora’s real father has sunk into the ground, says Aasarød. According to journalists in the Czech Republic, the father is possibly abroad. It is unknown how he has managed to avoid the authorities. – The mother, on the other hand, testified during the trial and has also been interviewed in the Czech media and by VG, adds Lorentzen. Below you can read more questions and answers about the podcast: Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
