This is the Trump indictment – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

This is revealed in the indictment that Trump was made aware of during the court hearing in New York on Tuesday. The former president denies criminal guilt. The indictment against Trump concerns how, among other things, he registered “hush money” to two different women and a doorman at Trump Tower in New York. The payment is in itself, according to the BBC, legal, but it is how they have been registered as legal services that is forgery, the public prosecutor believes. Trump is therefore charged with breaking the law 34 times. “Catch and Kill” Trump is blamed because he and his supporters have covered up negative stories about the former president. It is supposed to be about “kickbacks” to the three people during the presidential election campaign in 2016. Just before the presidential election in 2016, Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, is said to have paid 130,000 dollars to buy a scaffold for Stormy Daniels. She claims that she and Trump have had a sexual relationship. In 2018, Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison for this. Trump already agreed in 2017 to repay the money to Michael Cohen. Three Trump opponents stand outside the court building in New York with banners and posters that say, among other things, that Trump is a liar. Photo: Tove Bjørgås / news They must have agreed that the payments would come monthly over a year. Cohen is said to have then sent a false bill for lawyer services of 35,000 dollars a month. It is how these payments were recorded that Trump is now being prosecuted for. Trump is accused of forging business documents that the state attorney believes, among other things, cover the bribes of porn star Stormy Daniels. Photo: Markus Schreiber / AP A point of indictment for each forgery US expert Sofie Høgestøl has read the indictment. She explains that the prosecution has prepared a charge for every time Trump has falsified the accounts. Each indictment refers to a check book or attachment number. – The money that has been paid out must cover the slush money, and is accounted for like anything else, says Høgestøl. – If you make mistakes in the accounts in the hope of covering up a crime, as stated in the indictment, then it is a “felony”, i.e. a more serious criminal offence, she says. Donald Trump on his way to court in Manhattan. Photo: ED JONES / AFP The charges against Trump carry a maximum penalty of four years. The next court hearing in the case against Trump is set for December 4. State Attorney Alvin Bragg has expressed a wish to start the trial in January 2024. Trump’s lawyers believe that the trial should rather start in the spring. Breaking with election campaign law After the court session in Manhattan on Tuesday was over, Attorney General Bragg called in a press conference. – Trump orchestrated a “Catch and Kill” method, through a series of payments which he then concealed over months with false business documents, said Bragg. The indictment states that the payment of the hush money went to two different women, as well as a doorman in Trump Tower. Bragg said that this payment was made to hide information that could make Trump less popular with voters during the 2016 election campaign. – This violated election campaign laws in New York. He ended the press conference by saying that everyone is equal before the law. – Historic day – We cannot allow businesses in New York to manipulate their accounts to cover up criminal behavior, Bragg said after the court hearing on Tuesday. In Manhattan in New York, several people are relieved at the indictment. – I believe in justice and today I got justice, says Jose Rosetti. Jose Rosetti is in New York on April 4, 2023 to celebrate. Photo: Tove Bjørgaas / news He has turned up outside the court building in Manhattan to celebrate. – This day is historic.
