This is the police’s hypothesis – news Nordland

The case in summary: Three people were found dead in Sørfold municipality on New Year’s Day. In addition, two children were found, one of whom was injured and was taken to hospital. The police in Nordland are working together with Kripos to investigate the case. One of the deceased is charged with murdering the other two, and the police are working on the hypothesis that the person in question first killed the other two, injured the child and then took his own life. There are no indications that more people have been involved, but the police are investigating widely and are keeping all possibilities open. The five people who were present at the house have a familial relationship, but the police will not release more information about who is charged or their specific relationship until the investigation is complete. Sørfold municipality, which has less than 2,000 inhabitants, has deployed crisis staff and encourages unity. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. At 04:52, the night before New Year’s Day, the police in Nordland received a report of life-threatening violence in Sørfold municipality. They arrived at the scene at 05:25 and entered the house. There they found three dead people: Woman in her 40s Man in her 40s Young man in his late teens They also found two children at the scene – one of these was injured and was transported to Bodø by rescue helicopter. The police have since then worked on the investigation and say they are now working on the basis of a concrete hypothesis: – It is the case that one of the three deceased is charged with the murder of the other two dead people, says police prosecutor Kristine Pedersen to news and adds: – We then work on the basis of a hypothesis that the person in question has first taken the lives of these two people and injured the one child who has been sent to the hospital. Then to have taken his own life. Keeping all options open Pedersen says that they have conducted a number of witness interviews throughout the day. In addition, Kripos has arrived in Bodø this afternoon before going directly to Sørfold to assist in investigations at the crime scene. – Together with forensic technicians from Bodø, they will start work at the crime scene and carry out the necessary forensic investigations. There are so far no indications that there have been any more people involved in the case, but it is still being widely investigated. – We are keeping all possibilities open and are investigating whether there may have been anyone else involved, says Pedersen. Police attorney Kristine Pedersen and investigation manager Erling Johannessen. Photo: news When asked which of the three deceased have been charged, Pedersen replies as follows: – For the sake of the investigation, we do not want to go out with which of the three deceased has been charged, or what relationship the five have beyond the fact that it is a familial relationship. – The police will return to this as soon as the matter is ripe for it. We will then provide clarification on who is charged and what the relationship is between the people at the scene. The public prosecutor emphasizes that this is a serious case with a tragic outcome – and that there are many considerations to take into account. Photo: Petter Strøm / news Key witnesses were at the scene earlier Before the police release more information about those involved, and the charge, the next of kin and survivors must also be informed so that they are prepared. In addition, there remain a number of interviews which are very central to the investigation. Among other things, questioning of people who were present in the home on New Year’s Eve. – When the police arrived at the scene, only these five people were there. Those who were there earlier in the evening are of course key witnesses for the police and will be questioned continuously, says Pedersen. Police attorney Kristine Pedersen. Photo: Sondre Skjelvik / news She adds: – But I cannot go into more detail about how many, who or what relationship is involved. Must stand together Sørfold municipality is a small community with just under 2,000 inhabitants. The mayor of the municipality, Kolbjørn Mathisen, was clearly affected during the press conference on Monday at 15:00. Later on Monday evening, news talks to a mayor who encourages unity. – The day has been tragic. Simply. Now it is important that the Sørfold community stands together. It is important. Kolbjørn Mathisen, mayor of Sørfold, says that they are doing everything they can to take care of the residents of the municipality. Photo: Petter Strøm / news The mayor says their thoughts first and foremost go out to all the relatives. – This is a serious incident that is deeply tragic. The municipality deployed emergency staff early Monday morning. On Tuesday, Straumen school will also be opened at 12:00 for those who wish to come there. In addition, the municipality’s church office in the center of Straumen will be open from the same time.
