– This is the beginning of the end – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– It is a durable service, but I think the importance of Twitter will definitely decline, says media expert Ida Aalen to news. Since its inception in 2006, Twitter has been an important and popular arena for cultural figures, politicians and social debaters. Donald Trump is perhaps the most famous Twitter user of all. With his almost 90 million followers, he used the platform diligently before he was banned in 2021. But after Elon Musk recently bought the microblogging service, the company has been stormed. Banned users can come back When he took over Twitter, he got rid of more than half of the 7,500 employees. Many of these have now announced that they will take legal action against the multi-billionaire. The regulations that were previously used to keep obvious misinformation out of Twitter have been removed. And users who have previously been banned have been allowed to return to the social media. He also recently disbanded the company’s advisory, independent expert council consisting of nearly a hundred human rights and other organizations. The council was formed in 2016 to decide on issues related to hate speech, exploitation of children, suicide, self-harm and other problems on the platform. And then Trump got Twitter access back after a vote among Twitter users. The changes have provoked some of Twitter’s users. Hashtags such as #riptwitter and #byebyetwitter have appeared. Actors Jim Carrey, Whoopi Goldberg, supermodel Gigi Hadid, and Jack White, known from the band White Stripes, are among those who have announced that they are leaving Twitter. The latest in the series of stars to drop Twitter is British Elton John. The pop star has 1.1 million followers on Twitter. TWITTER: Media expert Ida Aalen thinks the service will become less important. Photo: Patrick da Silva Sæther / news Fears of weaker efforts against the internet Musk’s entry into Twitter has caused large companies such as General Mills and Volkswagen to pause advertising. The reason is that they want to see what course the platform will take under the leadership of the Tesla boss. General Motors and pharmaceutical giant Pfizer have done the same. The EU should also be concerned that the wave of redundancies in the company will weaken control over content and data security. They fear a weaker effort against propaganda, hate speech and netizens. According to TV 2, the Norwegian Police Directorate must also look for other information channels than Twitter. Both the police’s operation centres, the fire service’s 110 centers and the Norwegian Public Roads Administration use Twitter to report crimes, accidents, fires and traffic reports. – Greater risk Media expert Ida Aalen follows developments in social media and Twitter closely, and believes that Musk’s changes could cause Twitter to lose users. – When more serious things get through and advertisers pull away, it becomes a place where there is a greater risk of being too big players who depend on being perceived as serious, she says and mentions examples such as heads of state or artists. Has Twitter changed since Musk took over as owner? – There have been some examples of coordinated actions where people have used words and expressions that you knew were removed for using earlier. – Some of those who have been allowed to return are people who have broken Twitter’s regulations several times with rather hateful expressions, she says. COSTLY: Twitter has been an expensive investment for Elon Musk. Photo: DADO RUVIC / Reuters – Fewer people to look after Founder of the ICT consulting service Otta, Torgeir Waterhouse, recently told news that Twitter looks like wild chaos after Musk took over. – It is worrying from a long-term technological and security perspective. – It is a platform that is used to convey public information. But also from politicians, the media, other social actors and ordinary people. Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion. When he took over, he stated that the company was losing $4 million per day, and announced that he would make major changes to make the company profitable. He said this in connection with the purchase of Twitter: – Twitter cannot be a safe haven, where everything can be said without consequence. In addition to having to follow the country’s laws, the platform must be warm and hospitable for everyone, he announced. According to Aalen, Musk has dismissed 80 percent of the contract workers who worked on moderation. Thus, Twitter has fewer people to watch what is said and how it is said. – The point is that Twitter under Musk is dependent on having some moderation. If not, all the advertisers will disappear. The advertisers make up 90 per cent of the income, and they need income, she says. – I have said before that I think this is the beginning of the end, she says about Twitter.
