This is how you get cheaper flights for the summer holidays according to the experts – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– I have heard that you should use different computers when searching for plane tickets. I think there are algorithms involved, says Therese Dahle Damm. She is on her way to Copenhagen. In order to get exactly these tickets, she has checked the offers of several different airlines. – Then I compare which is the cheapest. I have also heard that some days are trickier to order on. Tuesday, for example, says Dahle. Natalia Jasinska is also going to travel, but she does not plan the holiday to the same extent. Her trip goes to Berlin. – I ordered this ticket four days ago. I like spontaneous trips, so I often find the tickets close to the journey. She uses different computers and tablets to book plane tickets. She often checks with her iPad, but orders with her mobile phone. – It has worked several times and I have saved several hundreds of pounds on it. I have become a bit of an expert and keep a close eye on what the airlines are doing. Natalia Jasinska believes she has saved hundreds of kroner by trying to trick the airlines when she orders. Photo: Einar Espeland / news The tickets are getting more and more expensive The time for cheap flights is over, and we have to expect that the prices will increase more and more towards the summer holidays, according to flight analyst Hans Jørgen Elnæs. He points out that prices rose by around 16 per cent last year, and says we must expect at least a further 10 per cent increase this year. Elnæs also points out that the airlines keep a close eye on you. Flight analyst Hans Jørgen Elnæs Photo: Marit Sirum-Eikre / news – The airlines have smart systems that see if you are on a mobile, tablet or PC. They also register whether you are often in and searching. Elnæs believes that those who are extra good at data may be able to create clever solutions to get more favorable prices. But for most people, other, easier methods apply, according to Elnæs: Get a good overview of the offers on the days you want to travel. Book your trip as early as possible. Try to fly directly to your destination. Book your journey directly with the airline. He believes that the biggest trap is that travel behavior has changed after the pandemic. – You are a little anxious about booking too early. When many people do that, it gets crowded when everyone has to book at the same time. Then the prices go up, the flights are sold out and you may not be able to travel at the price, place and route you want. Check the offers as soon as possible Thomas Iversen of the Consumer Council agrees with Elnæs’s tips. He is also aware that it is important to plan the holiday well in advance. – Then you often have more offers to choose from and the prices are slightly lower. Thomas Iversen in the Consumer Council. Photo: Consumer Council One of his best tips is to check different search engines, such as Finn or Google Flights. – Then you find out which companies fly to the place you want to travel to, and then you can go to the airline’s website to order directly from there. However, he is not as sure whether the airlines’ algorithms follow your searches. – I know that there are several people who try different methods to trick the algorithms online. There is not necessarily a close connection with your IP address and the prices you are presented with, so I am not sure if surfing anonymously has much value in this context.
