This is how you avoid being cheated before Russian time – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– It’s very awkward. We had been looking forward to getting our own song, and we are annoyed that it is so easy, says Pernille Andersson Lindholm. The Russian group she is a part of paid NOK 3,000 last year for a song that they never got. – I thought that maybe it was a bit small and that something was jarring. So maybe we were a little naive. Pernille, Sanne and Maja no longer believe that they will get back the money they lost on the song they didn’t get for the concept “Ready to rumble”. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news She says that the Russians are willing to pay large sums to get what they want for the Russian celebration. When they don’t get what they paid for, there is little they can do about it, the girls believe. – They have a lot of power. We could have hired a lawyer, but that would have cost more. Then you feel a bit “stuck”, says Maja Veine Karterud. Maja, Sanne and Pernille say that it is easy to exploit the Russian. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news “Hysjpenger” is common The girls paid the money for the Russian song in advance. – Full prepayment is a big risk. Especially if it’s a long time until you have the Russian celebration. That’s what consumer lawyer Thomas Iversen says at the Consumer Council. Advance payments in Russian contracts are one of the worst things he sees. Another big problem is that some Russian companies occasionally pay to have bad reviews removed. Thomas Iversen says that hush money is in breach of the Marketing Act. Nevertheless, the Russian knows that it is common. Photo: Erlend Dalhaug Daae / news The lawyer has himself spoken to Russian groups who have posted on Instagram and Facebook that they feel deceived by companies. They have then been offered money to remove the posts. – In the Russian environment, this is called hush money, says Iversen. Several hundred Russians feel cheated In a survey carried out by news, 354 Russians in Viken answer that they feel cheated by Russian companies. Several of those we have been in contact with tell of similar incidents to the girls in Fredrikstad. news survey about Russian time news has conducted an anonymous survey among all students in public upper secondary schools in Viken. The survey was carried out in collaboration with Viken county council, which distributed it. We asked questions about various aspects of the Russian era and received 5,193 responses. There is a total of approx. 41,000 students at public upper secondary schools in Viken. The answers are spread geographically from Akershus, Buskerud and Østfold. The survey was sent out in the period 29.03.2023-21.04.2023 via questback. 11.4% of all upper secondary students in Viken report that they have experienced being cheated by Russian companies. The corresponding figure for the Russian litter is 17.4%. 6.5% of all upper secondary students in Viken say they have paid for Russian equipment and/or Russian songs they have not received or Russian events that have not come to fruition. The corresponding figure for the Russian litter is 12.1%. Most of these estimate to have lost somewhere between NOK 1,000-10,000 Source: news Research Center Many drug addicts make contact At times there are many drug addicts who contact the Consumer Council. Both in groups and alone. The inquiries concern everything from Russian buses that are not delivered, to clothes and other equipment that do not arrive on time. – It’s mostly the little things. Naturally enough, since those purchases are the ones there are the most of, says Thomas Iversen. Thomas Iversen believes it is easy to market against the Russians, because it hits young people without much experience. Photo: Erlend Dalhaug Daae / news According to the police, this is exploiting young people in a vulnerable situation. Russ, who experiences the same thing as the Fredrikstad girls, really has nothing to report, because it is a dispute between two individuals. Then the Russian must get help from the bailiff, the police say. In order for more Russians to avoid being cheated before the Russe time, the lawyer offers some tips: Being contacted several years before the Russe celebration news has been in contact with many Russians who say that they are contacted by various Russian actors several years before they are supposed to be Russians. The Fredrikstad girls say the same. – I thought “oh, our little group” is being contacted. I think it was funny, says Maja Veine Karterud. This ticked over to direct messages to them: the girls don’t like that they have received so many messages without them themselves having made contact. And they believe that the frequent messages can be unpleasant for many. – They send private messages that seem very personal to me, says Sanna Antonsen. Hoping to regain what was lost The Russe group from Fredrikstad held the dialogue with the artist who sold them the song for six months. Then they gave up, but after news got in touch, they gave it one last try and were promised the money back. news has been in contact with the young artist, who apologizes to the girls. He claims he will pay the girls back and fully understands that they are annoyed with him. The hiking group “Pikekyss”, of which the girls from Fredrikstad are a part, is open to anyone who wants to join. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news The girls are grateful for what the experience has taught them. “Fortunately for us, we didn’t go for such an exorbitant sum,” says Veine Karterud. – It is an experience we have gained early in life that we may be able to use later, says Andersson Lindholm. The Fredrikstad girls are still looking forward to Russian time. Photo: Julie Helene Günther / news Hello Did you think of anything special when you read this case? Or maybe you are a Russian yourself? We are working on creating cases about the Russian era and would like to hear from you! Feel free to send us an email. All information is treated confidentially.
