This is how the weather affects Vestlandet – news Vestland

Home education for upper secondary school students in Hordaland County director Bjørn Lyndedal informs Bergens Tidende that upper secondary schools in the old Hordaland county will have home education on Friday. – The main reason is to relieve the load on the road system and public transport, says Lyngedal to the newspaper. In Sogn og Fjordane, pupils must have regular physical education. School pupils who use public transport are kept at home on Friday to relieve the roads. Photo: Gerd Johanne Vatne Braadland / news Accidents and stoppages in public transport The storm has brought accidents in the county. In Åsane in Bergen, two buses collided at low speed. – The bus was supposed to brake, but started to slide. Then it hit the bus in front, says operations manager in the West police district, Morten Rebnord. The bus driver in the bus that started to slide had glass in his mouth, and was asked to go to the local emergency room. No passengers were injured. This is what the bus looked like after the accident. Photo: Bergen foto media The light rail also had problems due to the large amounts of snow. An operating vehicle on the light rail broke down due to a circuit board that stopped working. This led to a shutdown of the entire line 1. – The circuit board is located under the carriage, and large amounts of snow and slush splash up in the carriage. The card can’t stand it well, says Geir Østerfeldt, acting managing director of Bybanen AS. The carriage has now been towed away, and the light rail is operating again, but with major delays. – It is very stupid that the card is placed on the bottom of the cart, but it is from 1989. – We are a bit vulnerable when it is winter like this here in Bergen, but fortunately it does not happen very often, says Østerfeldt. The service car broke down at the Florida light rail stop. Photo: Adrian Nyhammer Olsen / news
