This is how the terrorist suspects talked about pride before the attack – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

news is aware that several of the accused before the attack were concerned with pride, homosexuals and gender politics. Among other things, there is a video file showing one of the co-accused. One co-accused can be seen in the video files. The man is 47 years old and has Somali citizenship. The 47-year-old appears to have spoken to the mobile camera while filming himself and recording a Snapchat video, news is informed. Recorded a video of himself In the video, the man talks about gays and lesbians and that he doesn’t like it. Then comes a sequence that can be interpreted as him talking about shooting them. “Nigger, we don’t do this gay shit. All the motherfucking gays are be like: Pah, pah, pah” The last words were said as he held up his hand and shaped it into something resembling a gun. Furthermore, the co-accused man in the video says this about homosexuals: “Fuck lesbos. Fuck, lesbos are the same as motherfucking homos. Homos and lesbos, no difference.” The video must have been recorded on 13 June 2022. according to news’s ​​information. Barely two weeks before the terrorist attack against several nightclubs in the center of Oslo – including the London pub, which is a well-known meeting place for gays. DEFENDER: Lawyer Victoria Holmen defends the 47-year-old co-accused. Photo: NTB Defense attorney Victoria Holmen tells news that her client has seen and commented on this Snapchat video during questioning with the police: – This was something he sent to a friend. The two have an internal very crude humor in what they sent to each other on Snapchat. He was very drunk when he sent it. The defense attorney says the client did not delete the video from his mobile phone after the terrorist attack. – If it was dangerous for him, he would have deleted it, says Holmen. Got a message that called a gay Muslim a pig news is aware that Matapour also allegedly received a message from someone in his circle in which a gay Muslim is called a pig. Just days before the terrorist attack, on June 23, a man in the circle around him shared a screenshot of a reader post by a gay Muslim. Along with the screenshot, Matapour was sent a comment to “see what this pig with two legs says”. The reader post that was shared had a message that Muslims should stand up against injustice and participate in pride celebrations. The same person in Matapour’s circle of friends also shared a signature campaign in January 2022. The campaign was a protest against schools and kindergartens, and would promote that all teaching must be based on two biological sexes. Matapour reacted like this when he received the link, news is informed: – I hope Allah makes things easy for us. It’s worth crying about. The man who had shared the petition then replied: – Yes, brother, it really is an ungodly system. The man who wrote the message has not been charged in the case. news has not made contact with the man. Matapour’s defender Marius Oscar Dietrichson will not comment on this case. Shared link with pride guide On a phone that belonged to terrorist accused Zaniar Matapour, it appears that he participated in a group chat on the messaging service WhatsApp with the name “Matglede&kvalitestid”. news will be informed. PAKISTAN: The Norwegian authorities are trying to have Arfan Bhatti extradited from Pakistan to Norway. Here outside the courtroom in Islamabad. Photo: news The conversation group is said to have been set up by terrorist accused Arfan Bhatti and he is listed as an administrator. Bhatti is not mentioned by name, but the phone number used is linked to him by Vipps. In addition to Bhatti and Matapour, there are two other participants in the group. news knows the identity of the two and has spoken to them. The two have not been charged in the terrorist case. On Sunday 19 June 2022, five days before the terrorist attack, Bhatti’s number one shares a link in the group chat to an Aftenposten article with a guide to the pride marking in Oslo. DEFENDER: John Christian Elden has been Arfan Bhatti’s lawyer for a number of years. Here during a trial in the Oslo District Court in 2018. Photo: Vidar Ruud / NTB The article had the heading “This is how history’s biggest pride-marking is” and contained a detailed program for the ten days the event took place in Oslo. It also had a map of the route for the pride parade in Oslo which should have been held on Saturday 25 June. – I can neither confirm whether this is Bhatti’s number or whether it is he who has used it, so it is difficult to comment on news’s ​​information, says Bhatti’s defender John Christian Elden about the information about the chat group. Bhatti put a red heart Shortly after 01.13 on the night of Saturday 25 June 2022, Zaniar Matapour shot with a submachine gun and a pistol at people who were out celebrating Oslo Pride at the Per på konkeret and London pub in the center of Oslo. Two men were killed and nine others shot and injured. After firing a total of 19 shots, he was overpowered by civilians and held down until the police arrested him. The same night at 02.41, another of the participants in the group chat shares a link to a VG article with the headline “Shooting at a pub in Oslo” and writes himself: “pride pride pride” underneath, news is informed. The man who wrote this tells news that he did it because pride had been a topic in the group conversation earlier. He says that the group was used to agree when they should go out to eat together. He says he did not in his wildest imagination think that this would be the outcome. He says he distances himself from the shooting and that no one has the right to take someone’s life. He says he did not know that Matapour was the perpetrator until another in the group shared a photo from his arrest. The morning after the attack in central Oslo, Bhatti’s number writes: “Alhamdulillaah” which can translate to: “Thank God”. ARRESTED: Terrorist suspect Zaniar Matapour was overpowered by civilians who held him down until the police arrived and arrested him. Co-accused Arfan Bhatti responded with a red heart when the photo was shared in the group chat. Photo: Privat Bhatti’s number also shares a link to a message in Dagbladet’s news studio that the pride parade that was supposed to be in Oslo on the same day has been cancelled. When one of the other group participants asks if anyone knows who the perpetrator is, Bhatti replies, “Brother, just make dua for the brother,” meaning to pray for him. When a photo of the perpetrator, Matapour, who is apprehended, is shared in the chat group, Bhatti’s number responds by publishing a red heart. – The police do not want to comment on news’s ​​information, says police attorney Ingvild Myrold ​​to news. Burning rainbow flag Arfan Bhatti left Norway on 7 June 2022 and went to Pakistan. news has previously said that on 14 June he posted a picture of a burning rainbow flag on his Facebook page. He also posted a quote that could be interpreted as a call to kill gays. Bhatti switched to this profile picture on June 14. In the quote it says that one must kill “the one who does as Lot’s people”, and the one to whom it is done. The quote is taken from a so-called hadith. It is a short narrative about the words and actions of the Prophet Muhammad. Photo: Skjermdump / news – The quote is one of the hadiths that is used as a basis for the death penalty for homosexuality in Islam, Sylo Taraku has previously told news. The police in Oslo have charged Bhatti with complicity in serious terrorism and wanted him internationally. – Bhatti has denied complicity in the shooting incident at Per on the corner, but as long as he is imprisoned in Pakistan I have not had the opportunity to discuss the content of the case with him. It basically has to wait until he is released, says Bhatti’s defender John Christian Elden to news. Bhatti is currently in custody in Pakistan, where the extradition request from Norway is being processed in the court system. Court: Bhatti can be extradited On January 15, a court in Pakistan decided that he can be extradited to Norway. Bhatti appealed the decision. His Pakistani defender expects the appeal to be dealt with before the summer. If the matter is appealed to the Pakistani Supreme Court, a final decision on the issue of extradition to Norway will only be available in just over a year, says defender Zia Ur Rahman in a press release via Elden Advokatfirma. The court will keep Bhatti in custody in Pakistan until the extradition request is finally decided in the Pakistani judiciary. – Bhatti opposes extradition to Norway, and claims he has no role in the case that provides grounds for extradition, says defense attorney Elden.
