This is how the Norwegian holiday weather will be in the coming week – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Pretty much all of Norway has been basking in the sun so far this weekend. The temperature has been around 20 degrees in most places. But this will change, says meteorologist on duty Martin Granerød. – It will slowly but surely become cloudy already from tonight, and it will first enter the west. Tomorrow, a slightly grayer weather pattern is expected over large parts of southern Norway. During the course of tomorrow, the gray weather will spread outwards from Western Norway and over to Eastern Norway. – It might start well, but then it will become greyer, says Granerød. BEACH WEATHER: People took advantage of the nice Saturday in Bø in Vesterålen on Saturday. Photo: John-Inge Berg Warm in the north and cool in the west The weather has been brilliant in northern Norway today, with eastern Finnmark as an exception. There is a front that brings cloudy weather, according to the meteorologist. ARE THE WEATHER FORECASTS CLEAR: On-duty meteorologist Martin Granerød says we have a varying type of weather in store. Photo: Kamilla Pedersen/MET But the northernmost areas of the country will not escape tomorrow’s clouds either. A small consolation can be pleasant temperatures in most places. – In Tromsø it can be 19-20 degrees in the middle of the day tomorrow, but the weather will be a bit more grey, says Granerød. We can expect a changing type of weather over large parts of the country in the coming week. And it will be rainy and cold in Western Norway. – Monday seems to be the best day, otherwise it will rain every day until Friday. In addition to an umbrella, it may be a good idea to have a woolen jumper available. – The temperature will be around 15-17 degrees in the middle of the day. These are not the temperatures you want at this time of year. NICE WEATHER: This is what it looked like in Vennesla on Saturday morning. Photo: Turid Moseid May get high pressure again On the other side of the mountain, the weather looks a little better in the coming week. It is true that there will be a changing type of weather in both Eastern and Southern Norway, but some days seem to be fine. – The temperature is 20-22 degrees in the area, it will probably be partly cloudy but there will be periods of sun, says Granerød. There may be a shower or two during these days. But towards the weekend it looks brighter. Further up in the north, the weather probably looks the same, with some fine days ahead, but also the possibility of rain. CLOUDS: The clouds move inland from Saturday evening. The picture was taken in Vennesla on Saturday. Photo: Turid Moseid Temperatures will be 14–18 degrees in the area, while Finnmarksvidda looks set to reach 20 degrees in the middle of the week. And for those of you who have a late holiday this year, and who are dreaming of high pressure again, you can hope. – The first week in August will be unstable, but there may be high pressure again in the middle of the month. But whether it works remains to be seen, concludes Granerød. WONDERFUL WEATHER: Bø in Vesterålen in glorious sunshine on Saturday. Photo: John-Inge Berg
