This is how the financing of the GP scheme will change – news Vestland

From 1 May, the basic funding of the GP scheme will change. At a press conference on Tuesday, Minister of Health and Care Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) and Assistant Director of Health Olav Valen Slåttebrekk will present the changes. Kjerkol says 1 May will be a milestone: – The GP scheme is the foundation of our health service. Over a long period of time, the foundation wall has cracked, says Kjerkol, who says the government will now seal the cracks. One of the solutions proposed by the government is to set up a patient-adapted basic supplement. This means more money for doctors with many elderly patients, female patients, or who are in districts with a lower level of education than the average. – The reason is that we know that these are groups that have a greater need for follow-up than the average, says Kjerkol. At the same time, the government will strengthen the scheme with NOK 720 million this year. Over 200,000 without a GP Figures from Helfo from 1 March this year showed that some 218,000 Norwegians are without a GP. When the government presented the state budget last year, there was NOK 690 million extra for the GP scheme. The government proposed that 480 of the 690 million go directly to the basic funding. Health and Care Minister Ingvild Kjerkol (Ap) will present new solutions for the financing of the GP scheme on Tuesday. Many municipalities in the country struggle with a shortage of GPs. In Høyanger municipality, residents risk having only one GP on 1 June. In four months, four permanent doctors have left their jobs. – In the worst case, if we fail to recruit, there will be 3,200 people without a GP in Høyanger, health and care manager Åse-Iren Korneliussen told news. Some municipalities have the lure of very high salaries to solve the GP crisis. Elsewhere, a “North Sea tour” has been tested to get enough doctors.
