This is how the Customs Agency works in meeting with Ukrainian refugees – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– When you say hello and see tears in the island, you realize that they have been in a difficult situation. We have had cars that have been shot at and cars that have been run over by tanks. Since February, the customs officers have met many strong fates at Norway’s border crossings. When Ukrainian refugees cross the border, customs officers are often their first encounter with official Norway. Håvard works as a supervisor at the customs office in Ørje. He has helped expose many smuggling attempts and wants, for security reasons, that news only use his first name. Earlier this year, he accepted a car with visible damage from the ravages of war. – It had been run over by tanks. The whole car was completely battered. They were glad to get away. I am impressed by that courage, says Håvard. Passes regularly In Ørje, the customs office is located at the border crossing to Sweden along the E18. There has been a steady stream of Ukrainians here since the outbreak of the war. Several pass a week. The section chief at Ørje says that the war refugees carry trauma in their luggage. Photo: Anne Ognedal/news – These people have terrible stories with them. Then care comes in from us as customs officers as well, says section manager at the customs office, Gro Lene Gundelsby. – But we have to make sure that no one is trying to trick us. In June, a Ukrainian family was stopped at the border station. What was to become one of Norway’s largest seizures in history was hidden in the car. 135 kilos of hashish – It came driving in the green zone and was stopped for control. We thought it was refugees, but the conversation stood out, says Håvard. The car was taken into the inspection hall for further inspection. One of the Customs’ dogs marked the car. Hidden under the seats and in the trunk were 135 kilograms of hashish. – It is an enormous seizure. This is the largest seizure in a passenger car ever, says the duty manager. Photo: Tolletaten Photo: Tolletaten Photo: Tolletaten The Ukrainian car had clearly been modified to create hidden compartments. Norwegian masterminds The police have been investigating the case since June. – We discovered that this lot was in all likelihood to be delivered to a cabin in Enebakk. We went to arrest the person who had rented this cabin, says the police’s crime boss in Indre Østfold, Kay Lund Pettersen. In the apartment of the woman who had rented the cabin, the police found another 30 kilograms of hashish. Then her partner was also arrested. The police suspect that a Norwegian man in his 30s is the main man behind the importation of the drugs. They have not yet questioned him. – We assume that there has been contact between the Ukrainian car and the supposed ringleader, says Pettersen. None of the Ukrainians have pleaded guilty. Have bought food But most of the Ukrainians who pass the border on E18 are genuine refugees. The customs officials have taken measures to give them a good welcome. – We understood that some of these families have traveled far. They had no food with them, and the children were hungry, says section manager Gundelsby. The refugees who need assistance from the police often have to wait for a while at the border station. – We have bought in a small emergency stock of easy food, so that those who need it can get some while they wait.
