This is how the crown prince couple will celebrate their 50th birthday – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

In the summer, both Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit turn 50: He on 20 July and she on 19 August. The Palace is now announcing how they will mark the anniversaries. While Crown Prince Haakon arrived on his own 40th birthday ten years ago by parachute when he was surprised with a personal music festival in the garden at Skaugum, it is meetings with his country and people that are the melody of the 50th anniversary celebration. When Crown Prince Haakon turned 40 in 2013, he was surprised with his own festival at Skaugum. Photo: Aleksander Andersen / NTB Industry, culture and fisheries – where they will travel During the spring, Norway’s next royal couple will go on five trips to different parts of the country and get to know people and local communities and highlight traditions, industries and cultures. The joint celebration is rounded off with a backyard party at the Castle on the crown prince couple’s wedding day on August 25, where guests from all over Norway are invited. The starting shot for the five journeys is already this month, according to the Castle: Industrial community in Stord: In February, the crown prince will visit Norway’s largest offshore shipyard Aker Solutions Stord in Sunnhordland. The theme is the Norwegian industrial society, and what it is like to live in a small town with a large cornerstone company. Handicrafts and tradition in Telemark: In March, the crown prince couple will visit Rauland and Setesdal, among other places, and the theme is handicrafts and folk music. Sami culture in Finnmark: In April, Finnmark is on tour, where the theme is Sami history and culture. Sea and coastal culture at Træna: When the Crown Prince couple visit Træna on Helgeland in Nordland in May, a visit to the fishing industry is on the programme. Urban life in Oslo: The fifth journey takes place in Oslo in June, where the crown prince couple will meet, among other authors and parts of the capital’s music life. Crown Princess Mette-Marit has on several occasions worn dresses made of woven fabric, such as this one, which she helped design herself. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB In Rauland, there will also be a personal reunion for the crown princess. According to the Palace, the couple will visit the Raulandsakademiet, where the Crown Princess herself has attended a course to learn about weaving. For several years, Crown Princess Mette-Marit has had a strong commitment to weaving and has taught herself the craft – and has, among other things, woven a carpet as a Christmas present for her mother-in-law Queen Sonja. Party with people from all over the country While the then Crown Prince Harald was celebrated with a gala dinner at the Castle when he turned 50 in 1987, as is often the tradition at major royal anniversaries, there will be a slightly different version of the party this time. The details of the birthday party at the Castle on 25 August are currently not known, other than that it is called a backyard party. In the press release from the Palace, it is stated that: “Together with people from all over the country, the crown prince and couple want to use the opportunity to celebrate the Norway we have together helped to create over these 50 years.” Talking about turning 50 – dreading the children moving out To news’s ​​Year with the Royal Family in December, the crown prince couple talked about turning 50 soon, and about life with teenagers in the house. In the summer, Princess Ingrid Alexandra will finish high school, while little brother Prince Sverre Magnus will then only have one year left. – It’s very nice, the thing about us who are soon to be 50, getting the young perspective from our children on a daily basis. It is very valuable, and it is fun, said Crown Prince Haakon. – What will it be like when they move out? – It will probably be a bit empty, then, said the crown prince. – A little?! exclaimed Crown Princess Mette-Marit. – It is such a great blessing to have teenagers in the house. To be in their lives, to follow them and their friends in everything they are in, and all the discussions we have… So much we learn from them every single day, she added. – I feel so lucky to be allowed to be so close to them, and I’m dreading them leaving the house soon!
