This is how the Bybanen til Åsane will be – news Vestland

12.7 kilometers from Åsane to Bergen city center 13 new stops Car-free over Bryggen and Fisketorget Controversial underground stop in Sandviken Will transform large parts of Åsane city center These are some of the main ingredients in the detailed plan for the Bybanen in Bergen to Åsane. The case has been characterized by a very Bergen-based discussion about whether the Bylane should run along Bryggen or not. For eleven years, both politicians and ordinary people have argued. The detailed plan for the 12.7 kilometers from Byparken to Åsane is now complete. Budget gap of billions The dispute over the route to Åsane has thus lasted for eleven years. On the eve of last year, the city council decided by a narrow majority that the Bybanen to Åsane should run alongside Bryggen. It happened after the proposal was first scrapped by the same city council on 24 November and city council leader Roger Valhammer (Ap) asked cabinet questions in protest. 1965: The tram in Bergen is closed down. The tram consisted of four lines that ran through the city center and covered several parts of Bergen. 2011: The governing politicians in Bergen come up with the first plan for Bybanen. The following year, then city council leader Monica Mæland (H) believes that the Bybanen should go over Bryggen. 2013/2014: The Conservatives come to the conclusion that they want the Bybanen in a tunnel. In 2014, Høyre, Ap and Frp agree that they want the tunnel to go into the mountain at Kjøttbazaren on Vetrlidsallmenningen. 2014: Filip Rygg (Frp) resigns as urban development councillor. He says that he cannot vouch for the solution regarding the tunnel at Kjøttbasaren. KrF withdraws from city council cooperation. Social councilor Dag Inge Ulstein at the time explains that the party does not want to participate in Bryggen going into a tunnel. 2016: A completely new city council led by leader Harald Schjelderup (Ap) nevertheless adopts the Bybane over Bryggen. 2020: A new city council with Ap, KrF and MDG steps in to investigate both the tunnel solution and the route over Bryggen at the same time. City development councilor Thor Haakon Baake (MDG) and city council leader Roger Valhammer (Ap) present this. 2021: The light rail in a tunnel will be almost three times more expensive than the route along Bryggen, the subject experts conclude. The city council is in favor of the solution over Bryggen, but believes the entire Bybanen to Åsane is at stake if the city council votes against this. In the time since, the project has run into several budget gaps in the billions range. In addition, the promises that the state will cover much of the costs have been put on hold during the extraordinary situation in Europe and galloping electricity and food prices. The advance from the county council of NOK 29 million was also dropped. Despite the new challenges, urban development councilor Ingrid Nergaard Fjeldstad from Venstre is ready: – This route we have chosen is the best we can get and now it’s just a matter of cheering on and getting the light rail to Åsane built, she says. City Development Council Ingrid Nergaard Fjeldstad from the Liberal Party. Photo: Leif Rune Løland / news The proposal is sent for consultation The inflamed light rail case has mostly been about Bryggen. But agency director Wanvik states that there are actually two major, important and difficult issues that have characterized the work to create this regulatory planning: – We must be able to achieve a good repair of Åsane as a district. To make it human-friendly and push the private car and all the parking spaces away, he says. – The second is, of course, to take care of the medieval city and the center of Bergen as such, and ensure that we maintain quality. When the planning proposal is sent from the expert authority in October, it must first be considered in the city council before it is put out for public consultation. The consultation period will probably be in November or December. Landowners in the planning area receive a letter when the planning proposal is submitted for consultation. NEW ROUTE: The new light rail route will run from Byparken (pictured) to Åsane. Photo: Simon Skjelvik Brandseth / news
