This is how Norway is affected by the teachers’ strike – news Vestland

For some pupils, school never started again after the holidays. Some have lost almost 15 percent of the school year. The longest ever teachers’ strike now seems deadlocked. When the parties met at the weekend, the Education Association left the negotiations. Education Minister Tonje Brenna urged the parties on Tuesday to make an effort to find a solution. A total of 8,200 teachers are on strike. The teacher’s strike will be the topic of the Debate at 9.20pm tonight: One year after the pandemic, strikes are affecting students all over the country. How does the strike affect you, your family or people you know? How do you occupy yourself and the children during the strike? Do you have stories you want to share with others? Use our comment field below! Hi! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
