This is how many painkillers every fourth child takes a year – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– I’ll be really bad if I take Paracet, but you’re on the phone a lot and can quickly get a headache, says Reidun (13). The teenager lies in his bed in Arendal and chats with his friends. She asks them if they usually take painkillers when they are sick. Yes, answers one of the friends. Often, replies another. Never, says the third person. In the age group 10 to 12 years, every fourth child takes painkillers once a week. This is shown by new figures from the report Ungdata junior. – I am shocked and how many children take painkillers, says Reidun. Unsure of the reason behind the pill use – I was surprised when the analysis was ready. Children are generally very healthy. I see no obvious reason why so many children take it, says Frøydis Enstad. She is one of the researchers behind Ungdata junior, which maps how children from 5th to 7th grade are doing. It is the first time this national report has been published. The researchers behind the report cannot say with certainty why so many children take painkillers. Photo: Heidi Ditlefsen / news They have not yet investigated the reason why so many children use painkillers frequently. The survey was conducted during the pandemic. – There is a general increase in the entire population. There may be a tendency that when the parents take more painkillers, it also increases among the children, says Enstad. Only give painkillers when needed – I’m quite old-fashioned then. I have the old woman’s advice. Cold cloth on the forehead and sleep, says Diego. Remelda and Diego think it is unnecessary for young children to take a lot of painkillers. Photo: Victoria Marie Nordahl / news He and his partner live in Arendal with four children, and are well aware of hectic weekdays where children are sometimes ill. Sleep and water are usually the medication they go for here in the house, even if they have painkillers lying around. – I don’t understand why children should be given so much painkillers, says Remelda. – I give painkillers to the children when needed and when needed, but not every time they feel a little bad. There can be many reasons why you do it, she says. Trend to take a pill – I immediately think there are a lot of painkillers and there are many children, says Ole Bjørn Kittang, senior physician at the children’s and youth department at Sørlandet Hospital. He says that they see the same use in older age groups as well. – It is probably a current trend that should be investigated more closely. Things should be fixed with a pill, things should not be painful and difficult. You want to smooth out all of life’s speed bumps, he says. Photo: Anne Wirsching / news He believes that the reason behind so many children using painkillers should be investigated in more detail. – It may be reasonable to think that if parents use painkillers, one thinks that it also works on the children. Can have unfortunate side effects Kittang also says that a lot of use of painkillers at an early age can affect your health. – There are some fairly recent studies that show that the use of Paracet can increase the risk of allergies. At the same time, he emphasizes that those who need painkillers should have it and get it.
