This is how Karpe will invest internationally – news Culture and entertainment

Tonight, Karpe is holding a concert in Milan. The Italian metropolis will be the first of around 20 European cities to be visited by the rap group next month. In this way, they will test the international interest. Chirag Rashmikant Patel and Magdi Omar Ytreeide Abdelmaguid in Karpe have achieved the most that is possible for a music group in Norway. They have broken Spellemannpris records, they have filled Spektrum 14 times, had two films made about themselves, several books and received tributes for far more than just the music – but also for their work with inclusion and representation. If Norway had been a computer game, Karpe has in many ways reached the last board. Now they open a new game: The World. Testing the interest news meets Karpe in Milan ahead of the first concert abroad. – We have felt for a long time that there is an international potential in our project. When we get confirmation that it’s true, then we have to try, says Rashmikant Patel. Carp on the way backstage in Milan. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad More than half of the concerts on the tour are sold out, news learns from their management. – Ticket sales are going well, says Trine Jacobsen in Little Big Sister. Many Norwegians travel from Norway to see Carp, but there is also great interest in the local places they are going to, news is told. Karpe will mainly play in medium-sized arenas with room for around 1,000 people. – If this tour goes well, we will invest more internationally. This is the start of something. We would also like to think of doing more in, for example, Pakistan, India or Egypt, says Rashmikant Patel. Chirag Rashmikant Patel and Magdi Omar Ytreeide Abdelmaguid are looking forward to playing in Europe. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad New music, but not in English In their latest project, “Omar Sheriff”, the rap duo mixes music and languages ​​from other cultures to a greater extent than before. Among other things from their parents’ home countries, India and Egypt. – We will continue with this, and will not consider starting to write in English. We like the mix of Norwegian and other cultures, says Ytreeide Abdelmaguid. Magdi Omar Ytreeide Abdelmaguid will continue to mix cultures in the music Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad Concretely what they will do next with the international venture, if the European tour is a success, Karpe will not say. But they have plans and ideas, they say. First, they are going back into the studio to make more music. Some music will be recorded during the tour. – Yes, we are going to the studio in Paris, among other things, they say. In the summer, they will also play at festivals abroad, including in Belgium. – Never been better – We notice that with this “Omar Sheriff” project, of which we are still only at the beginning, the references are without national borders. It’s exciting to explore, says Ytreeide Abdelmaguid. – We have never been better than we are now and are confident in our project. It’s a wonderful feeling, adds Rashmikant Patel. The concert in Milan on Wednesday is sold out. Photographers take pictures of Carp and our photographer takes pictures of them. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad
