This is how Gunilla (22) has prepared for Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s birthday party – news Sápmi

When an e-mail arrives with an invitation to Princess Ingrid Alexandra’s birthday celebration, the surprise is of course great. Gunilla Påve Wilks thinks it is exciting that she is one of those who get the joy and honor of being at the party. The princess turned 18 on January 21, and now it’s time for celebration. The party will take place at Deichman main library Bjørvika today. There will be dinner and cultural events. Two young Sami county representatives will be present, Gunilla from Trøndelag and Emil Karlsen from Troms. A total of 25 young people will represent the counties in Norway during the party. GIFT FROM THE GOVERNMENT: The celebration of the princess is a gift from the government. Photo: Ida Bjørvik Gunilla is very happy that the focus is on Sami young people also getting a place at dinner. – It shows that they think it is important that we come, and that the Sami are also represented and presented to the princess, she says happy. Gunilla thinks it is good that the heir to the throne gets good knowledge and familiarity with the Sami culture. – We exist and we, and I think that since Princess Ingrid Alexandra will be our queen, it is very nice that she at an early age gets an insight into what the Sami are and who we are, she emphasizes. New attire for the party These are not the biggest preparations that need to be made before the party. But one thing has been important, and that is to start a new sewing project. – Do you sew yourself? – I probably do, with a little help from my mother then of course, she answers and laughs. The nicest outfit Gunilla can wear is the cardigan, or gapta as it is called in Southern Sami. The sewing project will only be completed shortly before Gunilla goes to a princess party. – Why do you think you got the request to attend a princess party? – I do not know, but I am very involved in working with language. Now I am a reindeer husbandry apprentice, and I have been a Sami guide, she says. TWO SAMI LANGUAGES: Gunilla has both Southern and Northern Sami as her mother tongue. Her commitment is great, and she translates books, records audiobooks and does a bit of Children’s TV. Here she is wearing a gapta, ie a South Sami cardigan. Photo: private Just have to enjoy The plenary leader at the Sami Parliament, Tom Sottinen, will take part today in two of the celebrations. Then there will be a gala dinner at the castle. He is among those who have previously attended magnificent dinners in the company of the royal family. – Do you have any advice for Gunilla and the other young representatives who will be at the celebration of the princess? – I think they should enjoy themselves and enjoy the experience. Then you should not think so much about etiquette. The royal family is very popular, and we have a very nice monarchy in Norway today, which is not so terribly careful if you miss a bit on etiquette. She is probably very well received, he answers with a smile. STAS FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE: Tom Sottinen says that it is not every day that a heir to the throne celebrates 18 years, and that it will be great fun for the young people who get to participate in the party. Photo: June Grønnvoll Bjørnback / news He is happy that young Sami like Gunilla get to participate in representing their culture. Sottinen thinks it is important that the Sami culture is shown, and that the Sami gets its place in the public eye. The royal family in Norway is, however, well informed about Sami conditions, Sottinen believes. – I think they are very concerned about that as well. Both the heir to the throne and her siblings have been to the Sami Parliament and visited Karasjok when they were younger, he states. Greetings to Princess Gunilla has decided not to have any expectations. It’s simply because she does not quite know what to expect. What she knows is that she and the other young representatives will introduce themselves, and that she is one of those who will be allowed to greet the princess. – I’m really looking forward to it, says Gunilla. – What is your relationship with the Norwegian royal family? – I am very fond of the royal family, and I think it is a very nice thing to have a royal house! she answers smiling. We show highlights from the dinner at Deichman Bjørvika.
