– This has caused me enormous damage – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The cousin was convicted in 1997 for the murder of Birgitte Tengs. The following year, he was acquitted in the Gulating Court of Appeal, but still sentenced to pay NOK 100,000 in compensation to Birgitte’s parents. This judgment has now been annulled by the Agder Court of Appeal. The cousin writes in an SMS to news that he is relieved that he and his family have finally won the case. – I am grateful for all the help and support in what has been a terrible situation, he says. The cousin and his family fought for a complete exoneration and cleansing for 25 years. On Friday, the compensation judgment was finally annulled by the Agder Court of Appeal. – Norway has not only wrongly convicted me, but also repeatedly refused to correct the error. It is 19 years since the ECHR judged Norway, it is completely grotesque that we have again and again met a wall in our attempts to resume the civil case, he writes in an SMS to news. Memorial stone for Birgitte Teng Photo: Thomas Halleland / news Although he is relieved that he and his family have won the case, he says that it will never make up for the past 25 years. – This has destroyed an extended family and also caused me enormous damage. I will never get the last 25 years back, but at least I hope this sentence brings about changes that will ensure that something like this can never happen again. – Now we have to try to put everything behind us. When his father, Jakob, received the message earlier today, he made it clear that he was not happy. – I’m relieved, but don’t try to make it look like I’m happy, because I’m not. It is not possible to be happy when you have been tortured for 26 years. But I am relieved, for all intents and purposes, he says. Nevertheless, he is ready to finally be able to look ahead. – Now we have to try to put everything behind us and look forward. It’s good to get it away, says the father. Jakob, the cousin’s father, thinks it will be good to finally look ahead. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news – Can finally rest in peace The cousin’s lawyer, Arvid Sjødin, is also happy that the family can finally rest in peace. – We can finally calm down after 24 years of work, and we can also hope for compensation from the state for those who have been affected by this, says the lawyer. Sjødin is also relieved to finally be able to put the case on the shelf after 24 years. – The feelings have not completely settled yet, but I must say that it is a relief, says the lawyer. Lawyer Arvid Sjødin has worked since 2001 to have the compensation judgment against the cousin annulled. Photo: Josef Benoni Ness Tveit / news
