– This came suddenly – news Vestland

25,000 members in LO and YS have been on strike since Monday morning. They demanded better wages to cover the rise in prices in society. Now NHO and LO have reached an agreement and the strike is over. But between YS and NHO the dispute has not been resolved and the strike continues. Read the reactions from strikers and others affected here. – Very happy – If we can agree on something. then we are very happy about it. That’s what Eirik Svensson, head of the Federation’s department 11 in the West Norwegian Transport Association, says. He had originally planned to go on strike from Friday morning, but is happy that it will now be called off. – Nobody wants a strike, he says. Still on strike When news contacted the Federation of Aker Solutions Stord, they are still on strike. – We have not received any notification from LO or NHO that the strike is over, so here the strike guards are still in place, says deputy chairman Finn Madsen. He looks forward to hearing the outcome of the mediation. – It is exciting. I have confidence that LO has accepted a good solution, says Madsen. STOPPED PRODUCTION: The confectionery manufacturer Nidar stopped all production of chocolate and sweets as a result of the strike. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news – This came suddenly Outside the Nidar factory in Trondheim, they are also still on strike when news makes contact at 3.30pm. In total, 225 out of 250 employees at the factory have been on strike and all production has been paralyzed. Gøran Nilsen is the strike leader and says the employees know nothing about the development of the strike other than what they have read in the media. – We have not received anything official. This came suddenly, he says. The strike leader says he is satisfied if the outcome of the mediation is that the members get increased purchasing power. – We have been concerned that those who have the least should get more and they should have the opportunity to withdraw more locally. Torleif Sand is the leader of the Årdal chemical union in Årdal. Photo: Sondre Dalaker Strike for the first time At the metalworks in Årdal, they have gone on strike for the first time. – We hope they have come to meet us and take us seriously – and not least: Take the low-paid seriously. That’s what Torleif Sand, who is the leader of the Årdal chemical union in Årdal in Vestland, says. – What will it take for you to accept what has been negotiated? – Then we must have a real wage search. Period, says Sand.
