This awaits those who come home to Norway from Gaza – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

51 people with Norwegian connections got out of Gaza on Wednesday, more than half are children. They arrived in Cairo on Thursday morning. When they arrive at Oslo Airport, the plane stops outside a reception centre. – So will those of you who want to join the border police. They will sit here with their registers, and check IDs and passports, says municipal director in Ullensaker Gunnhild Grimstad-Kirkeby. Jonas Seierstad, Lieneke De Laat and Gunnhild Grimstad-Kirkeby from Ullensaker municipality are ready to help. Photo: Marit Sirum-Eikre / news Ullensaker is responsible for the first aid given. The reason is that Oslo Airport is located in the municipality. After those who come have been checked by the police, they must be received by the municipality’s people. Many children have to be looked after. There are 27 children among the first to arrive. At the reception centre, they have food, nappies, water, a blanket and warm clothes. They also try to create areas that will take care of the children. Toys for children who need them are ready at Oslo Airport. Photo: Helle Westrum / news – We make sure there are stuffed animals. So we are now trying to create a warm environment, especially to look after children, says Grimstad-Kirkeby. On the list Ullensaker municipality has, it says that 277 people have reported to the Norwegian authorities. It is uncertain whether all will arrive at Oslo Airport. But the vast majority do. And after a short stay there, it is the home municipalities that take over. So far, only 51 people with ties to Norway have gotten out of Gaza, and on Thursday no one got out when the border closed. Want to know what is happening – The most important thing they need is information, says Lieneke De Laat. She is the leader of the establishment team, which takes care of all the practical things, everything from blankets to interpreters. Nav in Ullensaker will also contribute. – They check which municipality they belong to, whether they have money to live on, whether they have a place to live, whether they need accommodation, and not least secure travel onward in Norway, explains Grimstad-Kirkeby. Gunnhild Grimstad-Kirkeby and Lieneke De Laat say that one of the things that those who come need most is information. Photo: Marit Sirum-Eikre / news – We expect that they come with relatively little clothing, are cold and have been on a long journey. Time is short in Cairo, and they will not have access to warm clothes there. So we are familiar with that from previous situations, that they arrive with little clothing and freeze, says the municipal director. Municipalities are preparing At least ten of those who came out of Gaza on Wednesday live in Oslo. – We will welcome them and take care of them, says city council leader Eirik Lae Solberg (H) in Oslo. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB City council leader Eirik Lae Solberg (H) says the municipality is now preparing. It can be anything from urgent physical and mental health care, to the need for accommodation. – Those who come have experienced terrible things, and perhaps lost their near and dear ones during the last few weeks. We will welcome them and take care of them, says the city council leader. In Bergen, they are also ready to help, says city councilor for child protection, social services and diversity Charlotte Spurkeland (H). – We know that these are people who come straight from a war zone, and will need more services from the municipality, says Spurkeland. Little is known about those who are coming The municipalities do not yet know who is coming. – We will only find out after they have landed at Gardermoen. Then we will also know how many people are also coming to Bergen, says city councilor Charlotte Spurkeland (H) in Bergen. According to the list, which Ullensaker municipality has, those who come belong to around 30 Norwegian municipalities. Sandnes has established crisis teams that have prepared for these to come, says municipal superintendent Balpreet K. Sandhu. Photo: Mikkjell Lønning They are also ready in Sandnes, says municipality chief Balpreet K. Sandhu. – We will use part of the existing systems that have space to receive those coming from Ukraine. Those coming from Gaza will also be received by our crisis team who will quickly evaluate what needs they have, says Sandhu.
