This app will save “All birds” and “Bluebird”

– We don’t sing the same songs anymore, and a lot of people sing less than before. Then we can’t sing together on special occasions either. That’s what project manager at Oslo Met and general manager at Trall, Pia Lang-Holmen, says. WANT MORE SINGING: Pia Lang-Holmen at Oslo Met hopes the app will help Norwegians from different backgrounds sing together again. Together with colleagues, she has developed the song app “Trall”, which will be launched this autumn. The app contains over 100 new recordings of old and new songs in different genres and in different languages. More are on the way. All songs can be played in karaoke version. TRALL: The app is intended for school classes, kindergartens and families. Photo: Ingvild Edvardsen / news Singer less The idea appeared 5–6 years ago. – We noticed that the students in the kindergarten teacher and teacher training program knew fewer and fewer of the same songs. The researchers decided to investigate what children in the Oslo area sing in kindergarten. – They sing a lot, but it was the same 20 songs that were repeated everywhere. The songs were pretty similar, simple and old. At school, they do not have such a shared repertoire, and the adults are more uncomfortable singing loudly with the students. The teachers use their own playlists on Spotify and YouTube, says Lang-Holmen. SINGING: Pupils at Kjeller school try out the app “Trall”. Photo: Ingvild Edvardsen / news At Kjeller school in Lillestrøm, they have been testing the app for a while already. When news visits, they sing “Ida’s Sommarvisa” from Emil i lønneberget and Maj Britt Andersen’s “Ballongvisa” in Småland and Toten dialect. Associate member Cecilie Storsveen believes the app meets a need in the school. – Unlike on YouTube, you don’t have to search a lot and the old shows are easily accessible. We can sing with and without vocals, and then the children learn the lyrics, she says. SATISFIED: Specialist at Kjeller school, Cecilie Storsveen, thinks the app works well. Photo: Ingvild Edvardsen / news – I really enjoy singing and think it’s fun to be allowed to teach it to the children, she adds. Read also: Swedish children’s songs in song – app Want to have singing sessions with guitar – This is really a symptom that teacher education is lacking in music. That’s what associate professor at the Norwegian School of Music, John Vinge, says. Among other things, he has created the music for “Fantorangen”, “Sangfoni”, “Lesekorpset” and “Tellekorpset” for news Super. EXCITING: John Vinge hopes teachers will find the guitar when the songs on the app have been rehearsed. Photo: Kjetil Bjørgan / NMH Vinge thinks the app is exciting, but wishes more teachers could sing and play with the students themselves. – The aim should be for the teacher to lead the children, and for there to be a dynamic harmony where the tempo and key can be changed according to the children’s requirements. The app is possibly an expression that you can’t do it anymore. Photo: Ingvild Edvardsen / news He thinks “Trall” can be an important supplement in teaching and a good substitute for low-quality karaoke videos on YouTube. – I don’t know the app in depth, but they have thought very well when they use resources to make good recordings with exciting arrangements and good musicians, among others KORK. I think children recognize quality. – Can reassure teachers The researchers behind the app envision that it can be used side by side with the guitar. – If “Trall” can lead to teachers becoming so confident that they can eventually use the guitar with the students, as John Vinge wants, then that is fantastic. We hope that trall inspires teachers to get to know many traditions and soundscapes. Getting to sing with KORK and other ensembles also gives opportunities that a guitar doesn’t, says Pia Lang-Holmen. Photo: Ingvild Edvardsen / news Cecilie Storsveen at Kjeller school, says she agrees that there should be more focus on music in school. – But for those teachers who can’t sing and play, and for substitutes, the app is brilliant.
