Thinks lives could have been saved – Latest news – news

6 June 2023 at 19:55 Strong reactions after evaluation report: Believe lives could have been saved Several queer organizations are reacting strongly to the new report from the evaluation committee, which believes that the terrorist attack on 25 June last year could have been averted. – Today I am angry, says the leader of the support association after 25 June, Espen Aleksander Evjenth. – This means that human lives could have been saved. I wonder what in the system has failed. And I need to know that this is not due to ill will, he continues. Oslo pride, FRI and the support group for 25 June have gathered for a press conference on Tuesday evening. They have all been given the report to read before it is released on Thursday. – What came out in the media today was painful reading, says political deputy leader of FRI, Marita Holmeset-Varpe. Now they must read the report carefully, she emphasizes. – We will do our utmost to make this year’s festival safe. It has never been more important to participate in pride, says Dan Bjørke from Oslo Pride. There is good cooperation between Oslo Pride and the Oslo Police District, he emphasizes. – We know that the Oslo police do their utmost to ensure that pride is as safe as possible.
