Thinks “cuddle week” before school holidays is more important than ever – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– The last week is very handsome. We do not have homework and can bring sweets, says Mathilde Alexandra Thuestad (13). She is in the 8th grade at Håvåsen school in Haugesund. But even though she appreciates the last week, she could have been without it. – I do not think we would have needed it, she states. NOT IMPORTANT: Mathilde Alexandra Thuestad Kristiansen thinks the last week before the summer holidays is very nice, but does not think it is important. Photo: Marthe Synnøve Johannessen / news The public debater and associate professor, Sanna Sarromaa, agrees. – Now we do storage, not training, she writes in a reader post that was published in VG this weekend. Here she attacks the last school weeks, which she calls “two weeks of nonsense”. The Education Association has a completely different view of the matter. Two weeks of nonsense, says public debater Sanna Sarromaa about the last school weeks. Photo: Lars Erik Skrefsrud / news A lot of learning in cosiness – This year I would say that week is more important than ever. We have been through two years of pandemic, says Gunn Reidun Tednes-Aaserød. She is the leader of the Education Association in Rogaland. – But the impression of some parents is that there is a lot of “fun” and little learning? – If the parents had come into the classroom and seen, they would have gladly discovered that there is a lot of learning in what they call cuddles, says Tednes-Aaserød. But is it inside to take the kids out of school a little earlier to travel on a cheaper summer vacation? The Education Association says no. There is a lot of learning in comfort, says Gunn Reidun Tednes-Aaserød in the Education Association. Photo: Arild Eskeland / news The picture is still different for those with family in other parts of the world, says Tednes-Aaserød. – Then it is understandable that one needs more freedom, but we have to distinguish between that, and to travel to the South because it was a few thousand bucks cheaper, says Tednes-Aaserød. There are no central statistics on absenteeism in primary and lower secondary school beyond that registered at the end of the 10th grade. There are no figures at municipal level either. Principals of a selection of large schools in the largest municipalities tell news a month before the end of school that they have received some applications. The number has been even over the last five years. Up to the parents Associate Professor at the Learning Environment Center in Stavanger, Johannes Nilsson Finne, believes that the last week can lead to students learning more. – If you take the time to work with unity and relationships, you can reap huge benefits both in terms of a safe and good learning environment, but also academic results, he says. Marius Chramer is the leader of the Parents’ Committee for Basic Education (FUG), he believes that leave from school before the end of the year is an assessment that each parent must take. In dialogue with the school. MUCH FUN: Leader of the Parents’ Committee for Basic Education, Marius Chramer. Photo: Marius Fiskum / Marius Fiskum – Is it a perception among parents that the week has little relevant content? – Yes, we parents probably think that the last week at school is little school and a lot of fun. But on second thought, we know that it is positive for relationships and the classroom environment that you break a little with what you do the rest of the year, says Chramer. A poorer school At Håvåsen school in Haugesund, the last few days are spent on activities outside the classroom. Like rebus running, swimming or cycling. 8th-grader Stine Eriksson (13) would not be without these days. – I want those days. They are good for friendship. I’m not paying for the holiday, so it’s the same for me, she says. The teacher of Stine and Mathilde Alexandra thinks the last week is important for the students. Without this week, the school would have been poorer. It’s probably nice to go on holiday and save a few bucks, but we hope people see the value of the work we do those days. Because it is an important part of the school work, says Bård Øyvind Leite. SOCIALIZATION: Bård Øyvind Leite exchanges subjects with social activities in the last week before the holiday. Photo: Marthe Synnøve Johannessen / news
