Think they are regime opponents – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– The regime needs a “bad guy”, says Pardis Shafafi. She is a researcher at CNRS, and specializes in political violence in Iran. Hundreds of schoolgirls in Iran have been mysteriously poisoned by a toxic gas in recent months, the BBC, The Guardian and several international newspapers, among others, write. Four people have been arrested. Iran now accuses three of those arrested of having participated in demonstrations against the regime, and of being in contact with foreign media. The Minister of the Interior said so on Tuesday. – I think they are under pressure and need to get the situation under control, says Shafafi and continues: – It is difficult for the leaders to retain loyalty from those who still have it, when they see that young children are exposed to gas attacks. Pardis Shafafi is a researcher at CNRS and specializes in political violence in Iran. Photo: PRIVATE – Will be executed The authorities initially believed that the attacks on the schools were random, but gradually changed their minds. Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei said on Tuesday that those responsible for the gas attacks on the country’s girls’ schools should be severely punished. Head of the Iranian prosecution Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei has also said that those who are arrested and convicted in the case will be executed. At the same time, Iran has also arrested an Iranian journalist who has reported on the gas attacks. Several accuse the authorities of being behind it, but no documentation has been presented that can verify the claims. Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam from Iran Human Rights believes it is not unexpected that the arrested are accused of being regime opponents. – Therefore, an international commission must investigate these crimes. We are afraid that the regime will use the attack on the schools as a pretext to sentence even more people to death. – Death to the child-killing government Teachers and parents have gathered in several cities and shouted slogans such as “death to the child-killing government”. In more than 19 cities there have been protests after the gas attacks. Families have gathered outside the Ministry of Education in Tehran, shouting slogans. Photo: AFP In some places, the demonstrators were met with tear gas and attacks from the security forces, writes Iran International. – They are afraid that the attacks could trigger new mass protests, says Amiry-Moghaddam. – The regime cannot tolerate new large-scale protests. That’s why they do what they do now. Several teachers have also gone on strike, particularly in the town of Saqquez which is the hometown of Mahsa Jina Amini. That is what IranWire writes. Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam is the leader and founder of Iran Human Rights. Photo: news – I think people in Iran know very well that it is not possible to carry out organized attacks in Iran, when the authorities arrest a boy and a girl dancing together in the street after two hours, says Amiry-Moghaddam. He now hopes that the international community will investigate and condemn the attacks. – If they don’t get a strong reaction, they will continue, says Amiry-Moghaddam. – The body feels numb The gas attacks started in the religious city of Qom, then it has spread to over 100 girls’ schools in the country. The children have said that it started to smell like chlorine and strong detergents before they suddenly became ill. Many have been admitted to hospital with breathing problems, nausea and some have lost feeling in their bodies. – When I stand up, I feel dizzy and my body feels completely numb. I can’t walk, says a schoolgirl admitted to the hospital in the city of Qom. She is interviewed by the state channel in Iran, IRINN. Iran has been characterized by great discontent and demonstrations after Mahsa Jina Amini died in 2022. There have been international demonstrations since autumn 2022. Here from London in January this year. Photo: Jonathan Brady / AP Many schoolgirls have taken part in the protests, and several women have chosen not to wear the hijab outdoors anymore. Despite the fact that it is still illegal in Iran. The Kurdish slogan “woman, life, freedom” has been the driving force behind the protests.
