Think the police’s refusal to wear uniforms in the pride parade will create insecurity – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

This morning it became known that police officers will not be allowed to wear uniform during the pride parades this year. According to Emergency Preparedness Director Tone Vangen, it is about safety. It is about the greatest possible prerequisite and safety for the citizens, under the current threat picture. It is not to secure police officers more than others, says Vangen to Politiforum. – Should think about whether City Council leader Raymond Johansen (Ap) asks the police to turn around and allow uniforms in the pride parades, reported VG earlier today. – I think it is an unwise decision, since the police have been allowed to wear uniform on the train since 2005. When this comes the first year after the terrorist act against the London Pub in Oslo last year, it can easily create uncertainty, Johansen says to news. He says police professional authorities must be allowed to make their assessment, but hopes there is room for a discussion about this. – Because this can make people feel unsafe. Putin has pointed to precisely queers as one of the challenges the West has, says the city council leader. He is supported by the Conservative Party and group leader Eirik Lae Solberg. – The symbolic value of the police participating in uniform is very great. It shows that the police and the authorities support queer rights. It’s not just about securing an event, but supporting it, says Solberg in tonight’s Dagsnytt 18. Head of Oslo Pride, Dan Bjørke. Photo: Live Marie Hagen Wold / news The leader of Oslo Pride, Dan Bjørke, says he continues that the police must distinguish between when they are at work and when they are not. And that is also one of the reasons why the Norwegian Police Directorate does not want off-duty police officers in uniform. – In the threat picture, both queers and the police are exposed. We are not doing this to protect police officers, but to ensure that the police officers who are on duty that day can do their job. Uniformed police who are not on duty, for example, do not have access to connections and communications. We have to put safety first, says Vangen to news. The fire service has not decided Justice Minister Emilie Enger Mehl (Sp) says she has been in contact with the Norwegian Police Directorate. – I assume that they have had a good dialogue with, and listened carefully to, these communities before the decision is made. I hope police officers who want to will still participate in pride and queer events throughout Norway, Mehl says according to NTB. The fire service has not decided whether they will participate in this year’s pride parade or not, and therefore they have not decided whether they will wear uniforms in the parade either, says communications advisor Haakon Dueland to news. Since 2005, the police have had an exception for wearing uniform in pride parades. It will now be suspended indefinitely. Emergency management director Vangen says the police uniform should only be worn when the officers are at work. – We welcome diversity. The police will still participate in pride, and still go on the train. The only difference is that the police do not wear uniforms, she says in a press release.
