Think the kangaroo on the run is dead – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– We believe that if it had been alive, there would have been more observations. It would have traveled more on roads and fields, and then it would have been seen, says general manager Terje Jensen. The owners of Den lille dyrehage, Nils Harald Reiersen and Terje Jensen, ask people who travel in the forests east of Agder to report if they see carcasses or remains that may be a little abnormal. Photo: Erik Wiig Andersen / news It was Aust-Agder Blad that first reported that the owners are now 98 percent sure that the kangaroo is dead. – Of course we find that very sad and sad, says Jensen to news. Still asking for tips – For us, it is now important to close the case, and find out what may have happened, so that we can put this behind us, he says. The park in the far east of Agder therefore encourages hunters, berry pickers and others who travel in the forest to report if they find a carcass or remains that may be a little abnormal. The kangaroo escaped from its pack outdoors in Den lille dyrehage, which is located in the east of Agder. Nils Harald Reiersen is the animal manager in the park. Photo: Leif Dalen / news – If a dog finds something it reacts to, feel free to check it out. We don’t think the kangaroo has gone that far. We think it has been in the area around us, says Jensen. Injured One theory is that the kangaroo has injured himself while traveling on hilly terrain. – If it has broken a foot, for example, then it will not have managed without help and treatment, says Jensen. The kangaroo may also have been hit by a car or train. – When it comes to food and drink, it would have survived for a long time in Norwegian nature, but when we have no reliable observations since the first video, we think it is dead, says Terje Jensen. Sebastian Malmstrøm filmed the kangaroo only shortly after it escaped. This is the only sure sighting of the animal. Photo: private One day after it escaped, 19-year-old Sebastian Malmstrøm filmed the kangaroo on a country road some distance inland in Gjerstad. – Work accident It was at the beginning of June that the Australian marsupial escaped from its herd outdoors in the zoo in the far east of Agder. – It was a work accident, says Jensen, who during the summer has received 500 tips about observations, but none that have resulted.
